Danny Dyer wants to star in the Westend again

Cockney actor Danny Dyer has revealed he would like to tread the boards again – at his mum’s request.

The TV and film actor admitted that his mother Christine keeps asking him to do more theatre.

Danny Dyer
Cockney actor Danny Dyer has revealed he would like to tread the boards again – at his mum’s request.

“My mum loves theatre and has come to see me in every play I’ve done. She always says, ‘Why don’t you do another play?’,” he said.

Danny, who stars in thriller Vendetta and is set to star in BBC soap EastEnders, said he would consider taking on another stage role in the future. His last appearance in the West End was as Sid Vicious in Kurt And Sid in 2009, and he has starred in two Harold Pinter plays.

“I would if it was the right piece of work. I was going to do Alfie and I was so excited about that but it just didn’t work out for some reason,” he continued.

“It needs to be the right play. It’s such a long run and you give your life away. You have one day off a week, two shows on a Wednesday, two on a Saturday, so it has to be something you like and are buzzing off. If it is inspiring you every week, then I’m always up for a play.”

The 36-year-old admitted that his family are “very supportive” of most of his works.

“My family are very supportive. I think they’re proud of most stuff I do. Some of the s*** films I’ve done, they don’t really comment on too much,” he said.

:: Vendetta is in cinemas now and will be available on DVD and Blu-ray on December 23.

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