Ray-Ban Aviator Sunglasses Editor Review

Sure, I’ve dabbled with a few sunglasses that are more of-the-moment, but at the end of the day, I consistently reach for my Aviators.

These are the sunglasses that look good on everyone, for every occasion. They’re polarized, so they actually protect from the sun, and they manage to be both sporty and polished. I wear them to work out, to run errands, to go out to eat, you name it, and they always look good. They’re never out of place, and plus, I’ve never met someone who looks bad in them. I see my Ray-Bans like a great t-shirt or a classic pair of jeans; I’m always going to have them in my life. Sure, I’ve dabbled with a few sunglasses that are more of-the-moment, but at the end of the day, I consistently reach for my Aviators.

I have the green lenses with the gold hardware, in the standard size, and it’s elegant and timeless. Whenever I leave my house, I reach for four things, my phone, AirPods, lip balm, and Aviators. If I have those, that’s all I need. Plus, I’ve had these glasses for years, and they haven’t cracked, broken, or fallen apart; they’re practically good as new. Trust me when I say, these are the glasses to invest in this summer.

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Mohammad Mo
Senior TV Reporter

The former Big Brother contestant has been working with MarkMeets for 5+ years.

Often spotted on the red carpet interviewing for MarkMeetsTV.

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