14 Strategies To Help Small-Business Owners Manage Expenses

Keeping a tight rein on expenses is important for a small business operating with a limited budget. If unchecked, spending can get out of hand quickly, putting a serious strain on financial health. In addition to looking for ways to cut spending, it’s important for small-business owners to consider smarter ways to meet necessary expenses for essential functions and services.

Fortunately, there are multiple strategies small-business owners can leverage to better manage expenses and improve cash flow.

Firstly, most business owners will attempt to streamline business operations and make informed financial decisions using an employment cost calculator tool designed to help assess and analyze various expenses associated with hiring and retaining employees. By inputting key variables such as salaries, benefits, and other related costs, it provides you with a clear breakdown of your workforce expenditure. Stay in control of your budget and optimize your resources effectively, whether you’re a small business owner or part of a larger enterprise. This tool can be an invaluable asset for strategic financial planning and management.

Here are some insights to help small-business owners stretch (and save) their budget dollars.

1. Consider Outsourcing Key Functions

It is important for all small businesses to have individuals who are experts in different areas be involved in the operations of the company. However, that does not necessarily mean you need to hire specific individuals for each role. A good way to bring on these different areas of expertise without hiring full-time employees is to outsource key functions, such as HR, accounting, legal and so on.

2. Reexamine Payroll Management

Small businesses operating with a limited budget should absolutely reexamine their payroll costs. In addition to saving time, an automated payroll system can help you cut costs and stay within budget. On average, it takes five to ten days for a small business to resolve a payroll error. Instead of wasting time on tedious tasks, payroll automation saves time and money by reducing errors.

3. Track Spending And The Resulting ROI

Tracking spending and determining the return on investment is the best way for a small business to keep track of what is working and what needs to be cut. Focus on delivering a high-quality service or product, and cut the frills. Word of mouth is still the best source of advertisement you can’t buy.

4. Review Big Expenses And Contracts

Start by looking at your biggest expenses and contracts. Go through them one by one, looking for opportunities to negotiate and reduce costs or find more cost-efficient vendors. With inflation rising, it is a good time to consider some max-price terms that could help mitigate rising costs of goods sold.

5. Restructure Salary Packages

With wage inflation skyrocketing, we must be mindful of our staffing costs. One way to keep fixed costs down is to hire team players with lower salaries and variable bonuses. We’ve tried to steer away from chasing larger salary demands, especially from the support team. Once growth slows down, and it will, our fixed salary costs won’t be unattainable

6. Explore Platforms To Streamline Financial Tasks

Time is money for small-business owners. Most did not start a business with financial expertise or interest in pouring hours of time into necessary processes such as payroll, accounting and taxes, vendor payment and management, and more. It may behoove you to explore platforms that make this part of starting and managing a business much more efficient so you can focus your valuable time on growth.

7. Don’t Overlook Smaller Costs

Although most business owners focus on large expenses such as rent, payroll and cost of goods, they overlook smaller items (and there are many), such as utilities, insurance, internet and phone service, and so on. These can add up to more than most business owners know.

8. Cut Payroll Costs Through Stock Options

An owner of a small business or early-stage company that will need several funding rounds must always look at ways to cut their payroll or personal salary. Sharing early-stage deals with plans for growth can help you show employees that being compensated with stock today can result in reaping millions in the future. Offering an option for employees to take equity not only improves the monthly burn rate but can also be viewed as a reward!

9. Assessing Necessary Versus Unnecessary Costs

Covid-19 has taught us how much we can accomplish without getting on a plane and staying in a hotel. Reexamine your travel and entertainment budget and assess what is truly necessary versus what is just “habit.” Not only are there potential savings in hard dollars, but there are also savings in travel aggravation, including delayed flights, cold weather, understaffed hotels and so on. Travel only when it is truly necessary.

10. Assess Your P&L And Costs Each Quarter

Take time each quarter to review your P&L, and know where your money is being allocated. Look into specific areas to see if you are getting the results to continue growth. Reducing labor and marketing costs is an option if you are not getting results. Think about updating technology and efficiencies on your end, and then you can reset. Maybe it is time to renegotiate your priorities.

11. Closely Monitor Digital Ad Campaigns

Nowadays, small businesses channel much of their budget into digital advertising. Yet, there’s lots of avoidable waste in their investments. Google and Facebook don’t build technology to help businesses automate and focus on high-performing ads. It’s incumbent upon businesses to watch their campaigns like hawks and calibrate accordingly. Not monitoring ad campaigns can quickly wipe out your margins.

12. Leverage A Business Credit Card For Cashback Rewards

In addition to cutting costs where possible, consider using a business credit card as a purchasing tool to earn rewards on everyday expenses. For example, insurance is usually a large expense, and entrepreneurs can earn significant cashback rewards when they pay for it with a credit card. You can reinvest those cashback rewards in your business in the form of new equipment, employee bonuses and so on.

13. Look For Ways To Decrease Your Dependence On Ad Spending

Look for new ways to attract customers. For example, it can make sense for small businesses to advertise on Google. However, it also makes sense to take a long-term view and look for partnerships and affiliate relationships where you are able to accrue customers without paying the “Google tax.” Focus on increasing your profitability while reducing spending on ads over time so you don’t depend on that ad spend to succeed. Having monthly corporate expense report will help keep track of your spending. It will also help in making informed and precised decisions. This holds true for materials, staff, marketing and operations. Growth attribution is key! 

14. Prioritize Inbound Marketing Over Cold Outreach

If you are paying full-time sales staff to do cold outreach or run product demos, you could be throwing money out the window. It might be better to invest in creating inbound marketing content that educates your audience and empowers them to arrive in conversations already prepared to buy from you. So teach your salespeople marketing instead, and watch your customer acquisition costs drop.

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Freddie Scott
Movie writer

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