The journey to entrepreneurial success is often characterized by relentless hard work, unwavering spirituality, and the nurturing of enduring relationships. However, these pillars can quickly crumble under the weight of ego and complacency. Regardless of whether your bank account has amassed a fortune, your company holds a significant valuation, or you’ve catapulted into the high earners’ bracket, the challenge remains the same: How do you stay grounded amidst such prosperity?
Drawing from my own entrepreneurial journey as the Founder of numerous media companies from ‘Celeb Management’, UK Film Premieres, CultCrunch, ShowbizGossip, Celeb Events and MarkMeets , I’d like to share some actionable insights that have helped me maintain humility in the face of success.
1. Stay Grounded through Faith
Staying grounded takes different forms for different individuals. For me, it has been driven by faith. Knowing that the work I was doing in starting MarkMeets Media was for a greater purpose, not just for myself and my employees but for my family as well, has been a driving force. If you find it challenging to stay focused or grounded, consider incorporating more exercise into your routine. Even during my busiest weeks as a business owner, I prioritize my health. Success isn’t just about not giving up on your business; it also means not quitting on yourself and your health. Health, life, business, and relationships are all interconnected.
2. Show Appreciation for Those Around You
Success is not achieved in isolation; it relies on a network of support, including your family, employees, and those who serve you. Take a moment to appreciate the team you’ve built at your company and acknowledge the kindness and assistance you receive from others. Gratitude should never be overlooked, especially when you’ve achieved success and are in a very different place from where you started. Whether someone opens a door for you or extends a figurative helping hand, express your thanks for their kindness.
3. Give Back to Your Community
Success in business offers a remarkable opportunity to give back to your community. Whether through charitable donations, sponsoring local events, or mentoring budding entrepreneurs, investing in your community not only enhances its well-being but also keeps you connected to the broader goal of helping others. Volunteerism is a great way to make a positive impact, even if you’re financially constrained while building a new business. It not only benefits those you are helping but also boosts your own self-esteem and self-worth.
4. Seek Financial Guidance
Staying humble also involves being financially prudent. An experienced financial advisor can provide valuable insights into managing, growing, and preserving your wealth. By seeking guidance, you acknowledge that you don’t have all the answers, fostering humility. Many entrepreneurs believe they can save money by handling their finances themselves, but most don’t have the time to research, invest, and monitor the markets daily. Relying on an accredited advisor is crucial for freeing up time to focus on growing your business and attracting more customers.
5. Embrace Your Roots
Regardless of your achievements, it’s vital to remember your beginnings. Your initial struggles, the journey to your first taste of success—all these moments have contributed to your growth. Clinging to these memories ensures that success doesn’t blur your vision or lead you astray. Knowing where you came from fosters appreciation for your present position and reminds you that your clients’ trust in the beginning played a pivotal role in your achievements.
In Conclusion
In the end, while the world may celebrate your accomplishments and accolades, maintaining humility ensures that these achievements don’t overshadow your true essence. True success is not solely measured by the accomplishments attained but also by the legacy and character we leave behind—as business owners, employers, family members, and friends.
Growth only occurs when you challenge yourself. I encourage fellow and aspiring entrepreneurs to prepare for the journey ahead and, once you achieve your dreams, remember to stay grounded.
Author Profile

- Mark Boardman is an established showbiz journalist and freelance copywriter whose work has been published in Business Insider, Daily Mail, Bloomberg, MTV, Buzzfeed, and The New York Post, amongst other media. Often spotted on the red carpet at celebrity events and film screenings, Mark is a regular guest on BBC Radio London and in demand for his opinions on media outlets such as Newsweek, Daily Express, and OK! Magazine, as well as Heart radio, Capital FM, LBC, and Radio 2. His TV credits include ITV News, This Morning, BBC News, The One Show, Sky News, GB News, and Channel T4. Mark is a keen traveller having visited 40+ countries, and a devout sports fan who also attends as many gigs as he can across the capital when not rubbing shoulders with the stars. Email
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