7 Steps For A Smooth Transition To Hybrid Working

A lot has been written about the best way to work – from home, from a coffee shop, or in an office. But what if you could have the best of all worlds? With a hybrid working setup, you can! There has been a lot of discussion about whether working from home having mastered your brand on linkedin will become the norm after the pandemic or if things will go back to the way they were before. But it’s likely that neither will happen and we will see a new way of working in hybrid spaces.

People will spend some time at home and some time in the office, and the office itself will be adaptable so people can work in the way that suits them.

Creating a truly productive hybrid office requires more than just physical space. Technology plays a crucial role in ensuring seamless transitions between on-site and remote work.

Solutions enable employees to seamlessly access all their applications and files, regardless of their device or location. Whether they’re using a company laptop, personal computer, or tablet, access to critical data and tools remains a click away.

This level of flexibility empowers employees to work efficiently from anywhere, boosting productivity and overall job satisfaction. If you’re interested in introucing this for your company, you can explore a variety of Parallels solutions and other powerful tools listed here to equip your hybrid workforce for success.

In this blog post, we will discuss how to create an effective hybrid working setup that will help you be more productive and achieve better results.

Ask Your Employees What They Need

The first step in creating a hybrid working setup is to ask your employees what they need to be productive. It’s important to get their input because they are the ones who will be using the space and they know what works best for them. Do they need more natural light? Would a standing desk be helpful? Maybe they need a quiet space to make phone calls. Once you know what they need, you can start to design the space around it.

A lot of businesses right now are making the mistake of telling employees how many days they need to be in the office, or even forcing everybody back into the office full-time. The thing is, your employees know how they want to work, so why not ask them? Build your hybrid working model around what they want and they’ll be happier, more productive, and they’ll stay at the company for longer too. It’s this flexibility that makes hybrid working so effective because everybody works differently and your employees know how and where they are most productive. By creating an office environment that facilitates this new style of working, you can make sure that everybody stays productive.

Provide The Right Tech Tools

Of course, no hybrid office would be complete without the right tech tools. These days, there are all sorts of different ways to stay connected and collaborate with people, even when you’re not in the same room.

The most important thing is to make sure that everybody has the right equipment. If you’re going to have people working from home, they need to have a laptop or desktop computer that is powerful enough to handle all of their work tasks. They should also have a good internet connection and a comfortable place to work.

In the office, you need to make sure that there are enough computers for people to use and that they are all connected to the network. You might also want to provide some additional tech tools, such as large monitors or standing desks.

It’s also important to have the right software for collaboration and communication too. Project management tools are invaluable for keeping track of progress on projects and meeting deadlines, especially when everybody is in different locations.

You can improve communication with instant messaging apps and video conferencing software. And, if you need to share files or work on them together, there are plenty of cloud-based options available too.

When you have these tools in place, the border between the home and the office disappears. Your employees can work effectively, no matter where they are, and you can manage projects and collaborate as a team, even when you’re not all in the same place. This gives everybody the freedom to work in the way that suits them, so you see maximum productivity.

Create Adaptable Meeting Rooms

Another important element of a productive hybrid working setup is adaptable meeting rooms. If you’re going to have people coming in and out of the office, you need to make sure that your meeting rooms can be used for different purposes. They should be able to accommodate both small and large groups, as well as be set up for video conferencing and other remote working needs.

It’s also important to have a variety of meeting room types so that employees can choose the right space for the task at hand. For example, you might want to have a brainstorming room, a quiet room for phone calls, and a more traditional meeting room. By having different types of rooms available, you can make sure that everybody has the space they need to be productive.

Think about using furniture that is multipurpose too. Things that can easily be moved around to create different seating arrangements are perfect for quickly adapting the meeting room to the way that they want it.

Being more flexible with your meeting rooms also means that you can probably cut down on the overall office space that you need. When one room fills the function of three, you don’t need a huge office.

Plan For Hybrid Meetings

The way that meetings will be conducted in a hybrid office is very different from a standard office. You’ll have some people in the room and some on video calls, which can make things tricky. The key to making hybrid meetings work is to have a clear plan and purpose for each meeting.

Every meeting should have an agenda, and everybody should know what the objectives are before the meeting starts. This way, you can make sure that all of the attendees are on the same page and that the meeting stays focused. Remember, it’s even harder to keep things on track when you have a hybrid setup, so avoiding distractions and tangents is key.

Make an extra effort to include people that are working from home too. Having a quick catch-up at the beginning of the meeting is a good way to make sure that everybody gets to say anything important that they need to. It’s very easy for people on video calls to fade into the background and become spectators at meetings, so be careful to avoid this.

Open Up The Space

An effective hybrid working setup needn’t be cramped and claustrophobic. In fact, the opposite is true. The best way to create a productive hybrid office is to have an open and airy space.

Open-plan offices are seeing a bit of a decline in recent years, but having some elements of the setup in your space is still beneficial. So, take down some of the dividing walls and create larger, more versatile spaces instead of a simple cubicle or desk setup. You will need to bring in contractors and skip hire companies to clear away the mess during renovations, so start planning right away. If possible, keep employees at home while you do this to avoid too much disruption.

While you are doing this, you can take the opportunity to make a few cosmetic upgrades to the office as well. A fresh coat of paint and some new furniture can make a big difference to how people feel about coming into the office. A more positive environment will also make people more productive too.

Maintain Some Quiet Areas

Although open-plan spaces are effective, you still need to maintain some quiet areas. After all, not everybody works best in a completely open environment. In fact, even though the cubicle model is considered outdated, a lot of people actually prefer it that way. Having all distractions and noise shut out makes it easier for them to get their heads down and work.

Designate some areas of the office as quiet zones where people can go to focus on their work. These can be small meeting rooms, individual desks, or even just corners of the office that are away from the hustle and bustle. It’s important to have a variety of different types of space available so that employees can choose the right one for the task at hand.

Bear in mind that a lot of people will have busy households with families, so they won’t have a completely quiet area to work at home. The office needs to give them that option when they need it so they can work effectively.

Give Training To Improve Remote Working

If you want your employees to work effectively from home, you need to give them the right training. They should know how to use all of the tech tools that you have provided and be familiar with any software that they need to use for their job.

But, more importantly, they need to know how to manage their time and stay productive when they’re not in the office. This can be a challenge, especially if they’re used to working in an environment where they are surrounded by other people all day. Keep in mind that overworking is just as much of an issue, if not more so, than underworking. 

You can provide training on time management and productivity techniques. And, you can also give them access to resources that they can use when they need some help or motivation. For example, you could give them a list of productivity apps or websites that they can use.

A hybrid office setup can be a great way to boost productivity. By giving employees the freedom to work in the way that suits them, you can boost their output. However, the transition can be tough, so make sure to follow these tips to make it as smooth as possible!

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Claire Rogstad
Social Media Director

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