First ‘Star Wars Episode 7′ Pre-Production Photo Released, Features R2-D2
A new photo of Star Wars: Episode VII director JJ Abrams alongside classic robot characterContinue Reading
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A new photo of Star Wars: Episode VII director JJ Abrams alongside classic robot characterContinue Reading
Blockbuster movie ‘Thor: The Dark World’ has helped Walt Disney Studios top its previous globalContinue Reading
The 2004 hit movie ‘Layer Cake’ was a breakthrough movie for Daniel Craig and directorContinue Reading
He has come along way in such a short amount of time. MarkMeets can confirmContinue Reading
At last Disney has finally given us an official release date for Star Wars: EpisodeContinue Reading
Here’s the latest trailer for Sony’s remake of RoboCop, featuring the action-packed set pieces andContinue Reading
While filming in Sofia, Bulgaria, Kellen Lutz and the cast of “Hercules: The Legend Begins”Continue Reading
Adventureland co-stars Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart have signed on to play a couple inContinue Reading