The Capital Xtra Breakfast DJ JADE AVIA has an amazing energy and a brilliant sense of humour. Our showbiz reporter Cliff Morton had the pleasure of chatting with TV & Radio Presenter “Jade Avia” for U.K Entertainment Website MarkMeets.
The first question and I suppose is probably the question you get asked the most by everyone who interviews you is What drives a Gloucestershire girl at the tender age of 16 to move out of the family home & begin a career in media?
Well, mmm, I felt like you know at the age of 16 & probably from a younger age than that I always felt like I was supposed to be in a bigger city and not just Gloucester. I Love Gloucester, it’s amazing, it’s a great place to grow up but it’s just a bit slower. I think that around that age as well, you know, I just kind of didn’t always agree with the things that my Mum was telling me to do. I felt like I could be independent as most 16 year olds but I just took it that 1 step further and kind of decided to take my independence 1 step further and move out of my family home, which was hard. You know, I wouldn’t recommend for any 16 year old to do it but it just means that my independence was a lot , kind of more so than any other 16 year old at the time. It just meant that my drive & my independence & my motivation was a lot more so I guess.
So no regrets then? (Laughs)
Jade: (Laughs) Definitely, definitely no regrets, my Mum’s proud of me and that’s what the aim has always been.
Brilliant, I don’t suppose that at the age of 16 year old that you’d have dreamt that you’d be interviewing the likes of Hugh Jackman & Will Smith?
Jade: Err no… Can you believe that?
It’s crazy.
When people actually say it back to me, I’m just like, I did that…. really?
I don’t feel intimidate interviewing you at all (Laughs)
Jade: (Laughs a lot)
Not much!! (Laughs)
You know something? Hugh Jackman & Will Smith are 2 of the names that have actually got to be 2 of the coolest people that I’ve actually interviewed, in terms of their actual normal personality. I mean as normal as you can get in an interview but you know when you’re sat opposite these people, you kind of expect there to be a massive guard up and you kind of expect it to be kind of, you know, ok, this is really showbiz kind of thing but Hugh Jackman was just so cool, he literally was asking me what I’d eaten for breakfast. He was just so interested in us as people. I think that’s so important for these people to remember to do and Will Smith, I mean,(pause) it was like you just walk in and your like dan dan da… (musical intro style)
He just oozes coolness doesn’t he?
Yeh…. like, he’s cool and I remember we done a couple of interviews with Will Smith, 1 of them was with his son as well Jayden & it’s just them 2 next to each other it’s very like, you do get star struck with people like Will Smith because he’s Will Smith & he’s tall & it looks like a light is shining on him from somewhere even though there’s no lights on, you’re just like why are you shining? But yeh, it’s amazing it really is I mean people like Alicia Keys, Nicki Minaj, Bradley Cooper
All these mega stars that you just never really expect to kind of bump into and you end up interviewing them, it’s great
A little 16 year old Gloucestershire Girl eh? Brilliant.
Jade: Definitely.
On your Celebrity interviews, is it fair to say that you’ve got a little bit of an obsession with Drake?
Jade: (laughs)MMMM Maybe, maybe.
Jade: I’m not looking at my Calendar that I have on my wall of him or anything right now.
Jade: Not at all, I’m so sad I look forward to the 1st of every month so I can turn over my Calendar.
To see the next picture?
Jade: Yes, that’s how bad I am I’m fully obsessed & I will & I have made it my mission to tell most of the guests that we interview to get Drake to call me and I feel like that could possibly be part of the reason why I haven’t actually haven’t ever spoken to him. I think he’s avoiding me.
He’s scared.
Jade: (Laughs)
Drake aside, obviously you’re pursuing that one, who would be you favourite Celebrity interview so far?
Jade: MMM, that we’ve interviewed so far? That’s a hard question…Mmm do you know what? “Neo” is really cool, such a gentleman, he is so lovely, like he’s very relatable and you actually come out of it thinking you guys are friends, which actually to be fair because we’ve interviewed him so many times I genuinely think that I could probably walk passed him in the street and we’d talk and have a little bit of a chat, we could go for Lunch kind of thing, that’s cool, he’s really cool. Jamie Foxx was amazing, absolutely amazing and again it’s just the people who are more relatable, the people who are actually more interested in you know, that you’d remember them & they’d remember you when they come out of the interview, those are the ones that stand our for me. You can’t get away from the mega stars like Will Smith & you know like you said Hugh Jackman I definitely think are up there in terms of one of my favourite interviews and Nicki Minaj…. I don’t know, I don’t know, there’s too many, I really don’t know I can’t pick one.
Can’t single one out?
Jade: I really can’t, it’s like picking your favourite kid.

How are you coping with the limelight & the Celebrity status? Do you get much privacy?
Jade: Yes. I mean it’s cool at the moment I think I do freak out a little bit when there’s more than 1 person approaching you at a time, that’s when I kind of get a bit you know, it’s expected isn’t it? I’m still young myself, when I get people older than me or people my age or peers of mine saying we love you, we love you I’m just like I’m normal? I’m cool with it for now. I think that being in Radio it’s a lot calmer so you get a lot more stares rather than people actually approaching you for a Picture. The brave ones will approach you for a Picture & have a chat but it’s the one’s that stare. In fact this is a message for anybody who wants to approach me. If you think it’s me just come to me because the staring is so scary. I can’t deal with it. (laughs)
Can you imagine being in a room and you look to your left and see that some one is staring at you and you look in front and that person is also staring, then you look to your right and they’re staring at you and you look somewhere else and that person’s staring at you, well that’s how it is.
It’s kind of weird isn’t it?
I have got something in my Hair? Or do you guys know who I am? Or what is it? But it’s amazing. It really is.
I suppose it’s the unknown? I’ve been involved in a few football dinners and different events and there has been Celebrities there and I’ve watched female Celebrities with guys who’ve said cor she’s lovely but because of the fame they would never approach them but if they were standing in the Pub there’d be no problem.
Jade: Yes
It’s just weird isn’t it? It must be that kind of aura with people and that’s what you’re getting the stares for?
Jade: Definitely, I’ve done it. I’ve stared at a Celebrity thinking is this the right time to go up or I’ve stared at a Celeb thinking about them like, they look pretty bored, I wonder what they’re doing you kind of just find yourself in a stare but I get it, I do get it but when you’re the person being stared at it’s a bit weird, especially when your just Jade from Gloucester… you know?
It’s happening; it’s definitely not going to be just Jade from Gloucester anymore is it?
Jade: (Laughs)
Have you got any memorable moments with any fans? Anything that sticks out in your mind?
Jade: Mmmm, What sticks out in my mind? One thing that does stick out in my mind is a young lady who goes by the name of Naomi. I met her a few times and now she’s actually gone ahead and set up a Jade Avia Fan Group on Twitter.
Jade: That was something that I was like, is that really happening? That was quite interesting. Other than that I met a guy on a train one time which was really, really funny. I was doing something which I probably shouldn’t have been doing something like plucking my Eyebrows or something stupid like that on the Train and he was sat next to me and I saw him look at me a few times and I kind of looked at him and carried on doing what I was doing and he looked again and said are you, are you, are you Jade Avia and I said yes, he said oh my god, he literally couldn’t breathe, he was taking deep breaths & stumbling all over the place and asking that he was going to show all his friend and I had to ask him if he would like a Picture because he was gonna forget. (Laughing)
Do you need proof?
Jade: Yes, would you like a picture and he was like Yes, yes, yes I’m going to show all my friends and then he tweeted it and then showed all his friends and it was funny. I mean, I would like to say that every moment I meet a supporter, I prefer to call people supporters rather than fans coz I do have a lot of supporters and I’m more than appreciative of anybody who’s ever supported me and what I do because we’ve all got a dream and are trying to achieve something.
Is there someone special in your life at the min.
Jade: Is there someone special? Do I have a Boyfriend? No (laughs)
That’s it now. You’ve let everyone know. You’ll be getting hit on in all the Bars.
Jade: No, they wouldn’t dare, they’re too scared (laughing) they’d see the afro and the nose piercing and they would not dare.
Cliff: (Laughs)
I think I scare people off you know, I don’t mean to but I am one the genuinely awkwardest people in terms of like guys who fancy me who you would ever meet so it’s just a really weird one But I’ve been single for a long time and you know what I was saying to my friend the other day, actually I’ve been single for a really long time but it seems like the time that I’ve actually been single is the time where I’ve been most successful so, work it out?
No distractions.
Yeh, exactly, no distractions I concentrate on me doing my thing and hopefully in the future me and Drake will find each other and it will happen.
(Laughs) well if I ever interview him I’ll put the word in.
Ahh, thank you so much.
Other than Drake obviously, is there anyone else you’re a massive fan of? Or is it just Drake and that’s it?
Jade: Erm, I quite like Schoolboy Q I think Schoolboy is really cool, he’s a rapper from America other than that in terms of like artists and music and stuff, I’m just more a fan of music. It’s hard to be a fan of one in particular and it’s especially hard to be a fan of someone who might be a friend of yours or someone you would walk down the street and just say hi to. It’s hard to be a fan of someone like that but I can definitely be a fan of their Music and there’s a lot of Music out there that I’m a massive fan of. I don’t suppose, other than Drake that there’s anyone who I’d really scream down the road and chase.
Is there anyone new or up and coming that we haven’t seen yet that you can say yes that’s the next big thing, that’s the next success?
Oh my gosh, there’s loads of people isn’t there? I think “Jess Glynne when it comes to the talent and the ability to do something I think “Jess Glynne” who is the girl on Route 94 & Clean Bandits song, Yes she’s definitely, we’re definitely looking for more stuff from her. There’s a couple of artists who I’ve been playing on my Avia Flava’s on my Sunday show which I’ve been featuring and it’s people like Jhene Aiko she’s been supporting Drake she’s been doing her thing and I’m looking forward to hearing more from her and a UK artist called Raheem Bukhari he’s really good. There’s loads, if I could mention everyone that I thought was going to blow then that’d be cool but I really can’t, there’s so much talent out and about right now and I love finding new talent and playing it and being the first to play it. I love all of that.
What’s your thought’s on the talent shows? The likes of The X Factor & Britain’s Got Talent, do you like them? Do you watch them?
Jade: I think that if they create good music then why not? Like I say, I’m a massive fan of good Music so if out of that comes an amazing song that I’m going to be able play on my show and I’m going to be able to support and play in my Kitchen and play it at one of my house parties then definitely you know 100%. Other than that I think it’s a definite testament to the people who go through it and come out as a success. If you go in and you get your little bit of shine and then you go on to become really successful then it’s amazing for them. Any promo is good promo at the end of the day and if you can get on TV in front of loads of people and do your talent then you should be able to use that at your advantage to be able to make something out of yourself.
Yes, I managed it but it was only for 10 minutes and it was Ant & Dec and they stitched me up (laughs), totally
Jade: Oh really?
Cliff: Oh yes, proper.
Jade: (Laughing)What happened?
Cliff: My young sister set me up, it was crazy. I got my own little TV show instead of Selfridges it was Mr Selfish and it was all about practical jokes.
Jade: Really? (Laughing) oh my god, that’s so funny.
It’s frightening because I had the same thing, I was walking down the street and had people shouting Mr Selfish at me. People I’d never known.
Jade: Oh no!
Cliff: And Twitter just went mental.
Jade: Yeh, I can imagine.
Cliff: That’s like 1% on the scale of what you’ve done and you think… how do you cope?
Jade: Yeh.
I think that you’re that lively if you know what I mean? Your breakfast show is 100mph. I honestly don’t know how you do it at that time of the morn?
Jade: It’s definitely very trying, like I say it’s all about being healthy you know, it really is. It’s about being healthy; it’s about eating well, training. I’m so much in the gym, every day.
I read that you go do the Gym a lot.
Jade: Yes, Yes, to wake up at 4.30 in the morning by about 12 I’m kind of lagging but if I finish the show say at 9 by 10 or 11 most of the meetings for the next show are done, then interviews, get that out the way and then it’s straight to the gym and when I come out of the Gym it’s like a new day. Started again.
Crazy, too healthy for me. (laughs)
Yes, go home, get ready, go to Events, come back, make sure I’m in bed by 12 and then I’m good to go again
(Laughs) Even more lively than I thought. I don’t know how you do it at that time of the morn? It’s got to be good. I’d only be up at that time of the morning if I was going somewhere but certainly I’d tune in. If I was driving, someone that lively at that time of the morning would be ideal for me.
Yes, yes I tell you what, I’m definitely not lively before 6 O’clock.
(Laughs) Are you not? Maybe the Gym before the Breakfast Show? Try that?
(Laughs) No (Nooooo) way that would be in the middle of the night. I would not be waking up to go to the Gym at 4 O’clock in the morning or 3.30 it would need to be. Nah (laughs)
Brilliant on your TV Youtube Lip Gloss And Candy Floss?
Where did that come from? How did you come up with that idea and what inspired you in the first place?
That actually come from, I was just one day working, I used to work at an online production company called Grand Alien. One day I was just in the Office and I was coming up with loads of ideas & just brainstorming and I just thought it would be so cool to do a young Loose Women. Everyone watches Lose Women you know and it’s definitely aimed at a more, older woman. It’s not really relatable for me, interesting but it’s not really relatable for me. They’re talking about their husbands and I do not want to get married anytime soon so that’s kind of where that idea came from. You know I have really cool people around me and I mean I could have just written it down and sent it to a Production Company and then waited 6 Months for them to be able to OK it, then wait for a Budget and all that kind of thing but I just said you know what I know people who can do Camera work, I can write the Script, I can ask the questions, I can get people involved, I can make the set. I can ask my friends to use their studio and all that kind of thing. I put it together and bang it’s Lip Gloss And Candy Floss and I’m looking forward, really looking forward to doing a second series.
And more importantly your Tag, Guys will learn and girls will talk.
Yes, exactly.
100% (laughs)
Exactly, coz the thing is a lot of guys won’t tell me they’ve watched it but I know they have. (laughs)
I had a look and I thought I could be down for a beating here but it was good.
Thank you.
On your Twitter you said that you miss Celebrity Big Brother. Would that be something you’d consider? Would you go into the Big Brother house if you were asked?
Jade: Erm (long pause) I don’t know. I don’t know I really don’t. I’d have to cross that bridge if it ever came to it. I think it looks so intense, all the time. It’s just proper not being able to move out of one space, but I don’t know. If it ever came to it I would have to think about it when it came to it. Always bearing in mind that my main priority will always and has always been Radio.
If it meant that I had to spend 6 weeks off the Radio I’d be upset about that because that’s my passion, my main love and the thing that I love to do the most. It’s been my dream for a long time, you know, so
But you’ve fulfilled it?
Yes, whoa, uhmm yes I have but there’s just so much more to do.
How many 16 year olds do you know who have said that’s what I want to do and actually done it? I don’t think there’s many? Certainly the move you’ve done, Gloucester straight in to the heart of 100 mph city. I think that’s the good thing?
Definitely, It’s been a whirlwind, it really has but I’m very proud of everything that I’ve done, even going through sixth form, getting my self to University, coming out with a first pass degree and for me the thing that’s really cool is that it’s really inspiring to a lot of other young people who’ve seen me do that. When someone Tweets me from Birmingham City Uni and say’s Oh my god Jade did the same course as me and now she’s the Breakfast Host on Capital Xtra , I can definitely do this, for me that’s what counts and means everything to me. It’s really cool.
Cliff: If it’s ok with you? If I could just do 10 rapid questions, first answer that comes into your head, just for a bit of a laugh because I know you’re 100mph.
Jade: Yes
Cliff: Question 1 – Favourite Programme?
Jade: Right now, Orange Is The New Black.
Cliff: Number 2 – Have you got any bad habits?
Jade: Popping gum.
Cliff: (laughs) Popping Chewing Gum?
Jade: Yes. Really Bad.
Cliff: What was the first single you ever bought?
Jade: I think it was Billie Piper Coz We Want To, Coz We Want to (breaks into song)
Cliff: Brilliant, Brilliant.
Cliff: I don’t know if this will work for you now. Favourite alcoholic drink?
Jade: It used to be Jack Daniels & Coke but now I kinda just have to have the odd Vodka & Lemonade coz it’s Low Calorie (laughs)
Cliff: Gym Conscious? Gym Conscious Vodka?
Jade: Yes.
Cliff: Number 5 – What item couldn’t you live without?
Jade: My Phone, everyone will say that, oh and my Drake Calendar.
Cliff: Number 6 – Apart from people staring at you on the Train what are you most scared of?
Jade: Moths.
Jade: I hate Moths. They’re horrible; they’re flappy things that are like ugly Butterflies.
Are you alright with Birds?
Jade: I’m alright with Birds but there’s just something about Moths, I hate them.
Number 7 – Favourite Pig Out Food?
Jade: Ooh, Nutella, straight off the spoon.
Cliff: (laughs) Nothing else, just a spoon.
Number 8 – If you could star in a film, which film would you pick?
Jade: Hmmmm
One with drake?
Jade: (laughs) Yes, my very own film, no, err something like X Men would be amazing. I would take over Halle Berry when she’s done.
Good choice, good choice.
Number 9 – When was the last time you told a lie?
Jade: (Long pause) When did I tell a lie? Recently I told my little sister not to get her nose pierced because her nose could potentially fall off, that was a big lie.
Excellent. Last one,.
Tell us your favourite joke.
Jade: My favourite joke?
Jade: Oh god, mmmm, I can’t even think of one right now. I can’t think of one.
No problem it was just meant to be a quick rapid. Just one other if you could? Do you have a message for any of your fans or supporters?
Jade: Yes. Thank you very much for all your support and continue to listen in to the Breakfast Show and watch this space and whatever’s going to come from me in the future.
Brilliant. Thanks very much for your time.
Jade: Thanks a lot, thank you.
On behalf of my self & can I wish you good health & continued success?
Ahh thank you so much, thanks a lot Cliff, take care & goodbye.
It’s been an absolute pleasure.
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