The Royal Family’s Strict Code of Conduct: From Travel to the Table Manners

In the grand tapestry of British history, the Royal Family stands as an enduring symbol of tradition and protocol. They are expected to uphold a myriad of rules and standards, both in public view and behind closed doors. While some of these customs, such as the formal act of curtsying in the presence of senior Royal Family members, might seem well-known, a lesser-discussed facet of their lives pertains to the foods they can and cannot consume. In this article, we delve into the dietary rules that the Royal Family follows, explore their origins, and examine their significance.

An Array of Royal Regulations

Royal protocol is a complex web of customs and regulations, some of which have persisted for centuries. While certain rules appear to have a clear rationale, others might strike one as rather peculiar. Let’s explore some of these intriguing regulations.

  1. Travel Separation: One stringent rule concerns the travel arrangements of royal heirs. The Royal Family has long upheld the practice of not allowing them to travel together. This policy is rooted in the fear that a tragic accident or incident might befall both heirs simultaneously. For example, if King Charles and Prince William were to embark on a journey to the same destination, they would be required to travel separately, ensuring that the line of succession remains secure. This rule has been in place for generations, dating back to a time when air travel was far riskier.Example: This rule gained prominence during World War II when King George VI, Queen Elizabeth (the Queen Mother), and their two daughters, Princess Elizabeth (the future Queen Elizabeth II) and Princess Margaret, were prohibited from traveling together. This safeguarded the line of succession in case of an unforeseen catastrophe.
  2. Autograph Ban: Another seemingly idiosyncratic regulation dictates that Royals are not permitted to sign autographs. While celebrities often oblige fans with their signatures, the Royal Family does not partake in this practice. This prohibition is in place to prevent the misuse of their signatures, as there is a genuine concern that these autographs could be used for nefarious purposes.Example: Princess Diana’s encounter with autograph seekers underscores the rationale behind this rule. She once signed an autograph for a fan, which was later used for fraudulent purposes, raising security concerns about the misuse of Royal autographs.
  3. Seating Protocol: Royal dinners are a grand affair, and even the etiquette surrounding them is carefully orchestrated. When hosting such an event, the monarch must commence the meal by engaging in conversation with the individual seated to their right. The guest of honor is invariably placed to the right of the monarch, ensuring that they are the first to receive the Royal’s attention. This rule underscores the sense of tradition and hierarchy that pervades the Royal Family’s activities.Example: At state banquets, this protocol is meticulously observed. In 2019, during President Donald Trump’s state visit to the UK, Queen Elizabeth II engaged in a conversation with President Trump, who was seated to her right, as per the established protocol.

Forbidden Fare: Why Shellfish Is Off the Menu

One of the most intriguing dietary restrictions imposed on the Royal Family pertains to shellfish. While this might seem unusual, the underlying reason is rather practical. Shellfish, delicious though it may be, carries a heightened risk of causing food poisoning, a malady that can lead to severe illness.

Members of the Royal Family maintain a demanding schedule that requires them to visit various locales and interact with people from around the world. Falling ill from food poisoning can be a significant setback, potentially necessitating the cancellation of scheduled engagements.

Example: The importance of this dietary rule became evident during a state banquet in 1989 when Queen Elizabeth II fell ill after consuming a dish that contained shellfish. This incident, although not life-threatening, served as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of disregarding this rule.

  1. No Public Displays of Affection: Another aspect of Royal protocol is the restriction on public displays of affection. Members of the Royal Family are expected to maintain a certain decorum in public. While they can engage in appropriate displays of affection in private, public displays such as kissing and hugging are discouraged.Example: Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, have adhered to this protocol during their public appearances. Their interactions in public are typically reserved and formal, adhering to the expectation of Royal decorum.

A Royal Farewell to Certain Foods

The list of restricted foods extends beyond shellfish to include items such as onions and garlic. While the reasons behind these bans might not be as dire as those for shellfish, they do have historical significance. Queen Consort Camilla, when appearing on MasterChef Australia, confirmed that the late Queen did not have a liking for onions and garlic. As a tribute to her preferences, these ingredients were excluded from Royal menus.

The passing of Queen Elizabeth II in September 2022 and the ascension of King Charles to the throne leave the status of onions and garlic in a state of uncertainty. Whether these ingredients will make a return to Royal cuisine or remain absent as a homage to the late Queen is a matter of intrigue.

Example: The late Queen’s aversion to onions and garlic was a well-known aspect of her dietary preferences. The Royal Family’s chefs were diligent in avoiding these ingredients in their culinary creations during her reign.

  1. No Voting or Political Involvement: Royals are expected to remain politically neutral and refrain from participating in political activities. This includes not voting in general elections or publicly endorsing political candidates or parties. The Royals are encouraged to remain above politics to maintain the monarchy’s impartiality.Example: Prince Harry’s decision to step back from his role as a senior Royal Family member was influenced, in part, by his desire to lead a more independent life, allowing him to engage in political activities, including voting, without violating Royal protocol.
  2. Strict Dress Code: The Royal Family adheres to a strict dress code, especially for formal and public events. This includes gentlemen wearing suits or military uniforms and ladies wearing appropriate formal attire. Hats are also expected for formal occasions.Example: The Royal Ascot, a prestigious horse racing event, is known for its strict dress code, with attendees, including Royals, adhering to specific attire guidelines. For men, this often includes morning suits and top hats, while women are expected to wear formal dresses and elaborate hats.

More examples of royal protcol

1. Ski Holidays: Royal Family members, particularly those in direct line to the throne, are generally discouraged from participating in high-risk activities, such as skiing. This rule is in place to minimize the potential for accidents that could have significant implications for the monarchy. For instance, Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, who enjoys skiing, must do so with great discretion, and he typically avoids discussing his ski trips in public.

2. Going to the Supermarket: Royals are known to lead a life of privilege, but they are expected to be discreet and unobtrusive, even when conducting mundane tasks such as grocery shopping. They typically avoid going to the supermarket in a formal or conspicuous manner. For example, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, often shopped for groceries during their time in Canada, blending in with the local community as they did so.

3. Social Media Usage: Members of the Royal Family have a cautious approach to social media. They are expected to use social media platforms responsibly, avoid engaging in online debates, and not express political opinions. For instance, Queen Elizabeth II maintains a presence on social media, but her posts are primarily focused on official engagements, and she refrains from making personal comments or engaging in contentious issues.

4. Dress Code: Royals adhere to a strict dress code, particularly for formal and public events. For example, gentlemen are expected to wear suits or military uniforms, and ladies are required to wear appropriate formal attire. Hats are often expected for formal occasions, and adherence to these attire guidelines is closely observed.

5. Cultural Sensitivity: Members of the Royal Family are expected to be culturally sensitive, especially when traveling abroad. They must respect local customs and traditions. An example of this is when Prince Charles and Camilla visited the Middle East, they were careful to abide by local dress codes and customs, including covering their heads when visiting mosques.

6. Discretion in Public Speech: Royals must exercise discretion in their public speeches, particularly regarding political matters. They are discouraged from making overtly political statements or taking sides in political debates. Prince William, in his role as a future king, consistently maintains a neutral stance in public speeches and refrains from expressing strong political opinions.

Conclusion: Tradition, Practicality, and Ethical Values

In the intricate tapestry of Royal life, dietary rules might appear as peculiar threads. However, each of these regulations is rooted in a combination of tradition, practicality, and ethical values. From the prohibition on shellfish to the exclusion of foie gras, these rules are more than mere whims; they are emblematic of the Royal Family’s commitment to preserving their heritage, ensuring their operational efficiency, and championing important ethical causes.

As we continue to observe the Royal Family in the public eye, it is worth remembering that their dietary choices are not merely personal preferences but embody the weight of history and responsibility they carry as figureheads of a nation. These rules may appear unusual to some, but they are, in fact, a reflection of the multifaceted role the Royals play in British society and beyond. The unique blend of tradition, practicality, and ethics defines the Royal Family’s relationship with food and reflects the evolving values of the monarchy.

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Holli Greaves
Meet Holly, our versatile freelance journalist and featuers writer who has a passion for dissecting the ever-evolving landscape of business and technology. Your guide to understanding the forces driving our digital age with insightful perspectives and in-depth storytelling.

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