This article to help you get the most out of your online education, so stick around to learn how you can study better, amongst other things. On that note, if you need some help, we’ve got you covered.
If you want to get someone to do your homework or maybe a paper, we don’t judge you.
Appreciate Online Learning
Firstly, see the opportunity you have for yourself. Remote learning is very convenient and can balance your work life significantly. Having a positive outlook on your situation is the first step to getting the most out of it. While there will be some challenges ahead, recognize all the benefits you can have from online learning.
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Organize Yourself
Online learning still needs you to have some level of organization, but it will be easier since most online learning environments are streamlined. Notes will be available to access online; typically, there are also video recordings of your classes in case you forgot something. Book content can be found as files when you’re logged into the space.
Just make sure you have the following:
- Something to take notes on, physical or online.
- All the resources you need for the class and semester.
- Have the timetable for the classes.
Check if you have additional requirements that you might have overlooked, but otherwise, it should be pretty straightforward. After all, online learning is set up to be similar to real-time learning, with some significant differences. The concept stays the same.
Dedicate A Workspace For Learning
A designated workspace can trigger you to feel more motivated to work and can declutter your brain. You can focus better, work longer, and work in peace. It will help you keep your things organized and save you from procrastinating and being lazy.
Our mind likes to attach itself to habits. If you’re habituated to working in a certain area, that area will potentially trigger you to go into a work mode state. Same as when you designate an area to be a place for relaxation.
Discovering Your Learning Strategy
Discovering Your Type Of Intelligence
There are a million ways to learn things. And many of us have different ways of taking in information that is most efficient to us alone. That’s why it’s important to understand that there is no one unique way of learning. A style of learning that accommodates one person might be difficult or inconvenient for you.
Since it comes to that, knowing your strengths and type of intellectual capability can be enlightening. Here are the different ones; try to find which one fits you (it could be more than one):
- Intrapersonal intelligence: knowing yourself, understanding your emotions, desires, thoughts, etc.
- Spatial intelligence: keen ability to visualize the world in 3D.
- Naturalist: grasping nature, being able to read it, and understanding living specimens.
- Musical: understanding sound, such as its rhythm, pitch, etc. Musically gifted.
- Logical/mathematical intelligence: being able to quantify things, make hypotheses, and being able to show proof for them.
- Existential intelligence: being able to tackle questions around life and death.
- Interpersonal intelligence: understanding other people and being able to understand and sense their feelings and motives.
- Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence: being able to connect your mind and body.
- Linguistic intelligence: being able to express yourself through language brilliantly.
Most people are more than one of the categories above. Some perhaps harbor all types of intelligence to varying degrees. It’s completely unique to each individual. One thing remains true. If you know where you excel, then you’ll understand how you’re supposed to learn.
Once you’ve had that figured out, what’s next is picking a learning strategy and refining it to really maximize its efficiency.
Learning Techniques
Here are some useful examples of learning techniques that you can use to figure out your strategy:
The Pomodoro technique
A time management technique that involves you breaking down your work into 25-minute intervals. After every 25 minutes, you take a short break of about 5-10 minutes, then you start again.
Model-based learning
Many people learn something quicker when they see it in practice. If you’re learning something, try to watch a video of it in motion, it will most likely help you retain and understand the information better than when you just learn it in theory.
This one is pretty basic and common knowledge. To maximize it, cut through information. Shorten it and only look at the most relevant details. Then memorize those.
Act out what you’re learning; this can help you understand it and retain that information better. Obviously, this is only possible if it’s something you can actually act upon at the moment.
Create and use mind maps
This is especially helpful for neurodivergent folk. Mind maps can help structure related concepts that might seem incoherent and unrelated at first. Use a mind map to connect different concepts to a central concept. This will help you organize your thoughts and ideas much better.
Keyword method
Using keywords by picking the most relevant word to describe a concept can trigger the memory to try and connect the information that’s linked to a specific word or phrase. Just like a computer. You can use flashcards for this.
By learning remotely, many students can seriously level up their discipline. Some might find it extremely difficult at first to commit to self-discipline and studying when you have to when there is no one around obliging you to do it. But this is an important skill to learn, and it can seriously change your life if you are able to start things on your own through your own sheer will and motivation.
If you never practice self-discipline, you will always need the help of authority instead of helping yourself. A boss, a teacher, a coach, etc. It’s crucial to become more independent in order to truly grow as a person. No matter how uncomfortable it is at the start. It’s worth it.
In order to make your online learning worth it, you’ll need to be able to discipline yourself. You’ll need to learn even when you don’t want to. You’re liable for your own success or failure. This is a hard fact, but it’s the truth.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with needing help and encouragement. You can seek out group studies, maybe go to the library, or even hire a tutor. But the goal shouldn’t be to forever rely on other people in order to do something. The goal is to be able to do it yourself at one point.
Yes, it’s okay to seek help, but try to be mindful that you should try to do it alone at times in order to get comfortable with the notion. Additionally, you might have an online professor you can turn to for help when you need it.
Never hesitate to ask them questions and to ask them for help. It’s more important that you understand what you’re learning than it is to be self-reliant at all times.
Remain Proactive In Class
Healthy discussion and debate during online classes are other factors that contribute to worthwhile online learning progress. Try to remain proactive during your courses. It will help you learn the material easier and faster.
Final Thoughts
We hope this article helps our readers get motivated about their online learning journey. Integrating our tips into your academic life can help you make things easier.
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Charley is known for finding and finding new music talent and that is why she is a perfect for for our team.
Credited also in Daily Mail and The Mirror.
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