The Seagull reviews starring Emilia Clarke – Harold Pinter Theatre ★★★

Reviews are in for The Seagull starring Emilia Clarke at the Harold Pinter Theatre in London

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Anton Chekhov’s classic is propelled into the 21st century with an adaptation by Anya Reiss and a stripped back production by director Jamie Lloyd.

Emilia Clarke makes her long awaited West End debut as Nina, alongside Tom Rhys Harries (Trigorin), Daniel Monks (Konstantin), Indira Varma (Arkadina) and Sophie Wu(Masha), Jason Barnett (Shamrayev), Robert Glenister (Sorin), Mika Onyx Johnson (Medvedenko), Gerald Kyd (Dorn) and Sara Powell (Polina).

Read a round-up of reviews for The Seagull at the Harold Pinter Theatre London. More reviews for follow.

The Seagull runs until 10 September 2022. Tickets for The Seagull are on sale.

Average Critics Rating★★★

The Seagull reviews


“Woodchip-walled Chekhov is hypnotic”

“Jamie Lloyd’s radical, stripped-back, strangely gripping production, using Anya Reiss’s cool adaptation, might well be aspiring to Konstantin’s ideal of creating a new theatrical form. This is not Chekhov as we know it, nor theatre as we know it, certainly not in the West End. ”

“This is a maverick show that, like Oklahoma! at the Young Vic, proves how dangerous and daring a revival can be”


“Emelia Clarke’s wings are clipped by this ascetic Chekhov staging”

“The Game of Thrones star isn’t given the chance to shine in this new production, so spartan it’s distractingly ostentatious”

“In so far as they go, constrained by a directorial conceit so sparing it’s distractingly ostentatious, I can’t fault the cast, but they yield little that couldn’t be obtained in more traditional, pleasure-giving Chekhov. ”

“it’s too static and sapping, in these joy-starved times”


“Emilia Clarke is charismatic in her West End debut”

“Clarke is undeniably charismatic, but her presence is far from the only reason to grab a ticket. A universally strong cast act with their faces more than their bodies, bringing a cinematic intensity to this intense exploration of fame, failure, and heartbreak.”

“Indira Varma is mesmerising”

“There’s something jarring about watching an actor deliver a bravura performance surrounded by the bored faces of their fellow cast members: it’s a poignant reminder that even the most moving work of art will leave some people cold.”

“Lloyd’s stripped back and static production won’t please all comers. But it’s an exciting break with tradition, converting its star power into a darker, weirder, and more satisfying kind of energy.”


“Emilia Clarke can’t rescue this airless Chekhov”

“Emilia Clarke …turns in a perfectly fine performance. Indira Varma is even more impressive”

“this oddly static production, much of it delivered sotto voce, is closer to a radio play or a rehearsal.”



“Nuanced, quietly radical ensemble piece strips Chekhov’s dark comedy to the barest bones”

“Anya Reiss’ bleakly comic take on The Seagull remains strikingly contemporary some 10 years after its first performance. ”

“Performances are uniformly gripping, the character’s clashing complications gelling together in a messy but compellingly believable whole. Making her official West End debut, Emilia Clarke captivates as aspiring ingénue Nina”

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Hannah Fuller

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