Anttix Music Artist Interview

We are very excited to introduce you to the hottest new pop artist/songwriter to emerge from the UK in 2013 – Anttix. 

With his boyish good looks, soulful harmonies, catchy self-penned tracks combined with his infectious personality, the Bristol born cheeky chappy has exploded online with a fan base expanding a phenomenal rate. Anttix is tipped as this countries next industry smash

Anttix Be Alright Cover
Anttix Be Alright Cover

MarkMeets music reporter Hannah Fuller caught up with up ‘n’ coming recording artist ‘Anttix’ aka Antony James Llewellyn to talk about his catchy pop music, anti-bullying and fans boobs!

Your new single ‘Be Alright’ is very POP. Do you mind the POP tag?
Ahh, that’s a really good question. Well I just LOVE pop music. If you check out my twitter @OfficialAnttix you will see that I talk about pop music alot! I just really go for it if it makes you feel happy and making pop music makes me feel happy!

Sum up for music in three words
Oooh that’s a good one. Um, ‘Catchy pop music?’ That doesn’t sound very original but that’s what it is! It’s all about catchy music. I want to make music that people will have in their heads and be singing along to all day!

We hear you are  heading out to NYC, what’s that gonna be for?
Well pop out there is massive so when they heard there was new British pop artist, I was asked to go over to do some promos and test the water basically! And can I tell you, I am SO excited to be going out there – lost for words! It will be Christmas time when I go over, so a great time to be there too and I plan to do alot of shopping! I’m going to shop till I drop!

I’m also meeting a TV Production company whilst I’m out there too, but I can’t say too much about that right now.
( Hannah )- Oooh sounds exciting!
Anttix – haha, yes it is!

Ok, well MCBusted are going on tour next year though Charlie ‘Eyebrows’ doesn’t wanna get involved, how pissed would you be for the other band members?

Well everyone does what they want to do and if Charlie wasn’t feeling it, then that’s his choice. It’s sad really. He’s going edgier but he wouldn’t be doing that if he wasn’t in McBusted first. Saying that, he has to do what’s right for him.

Anttix sunny day

What made you want to get involved in a Anti-bullying shoot?
Well one day, I received a tweet from someone saying they were being bullied online and I found that really sad, I hadn’t heard of it happening that much, at that time. Then suddenly, I received so many tweets from other people saying that were getting bullied too – it was just so sad, heartbreaking to so many people were suffering from it so I knew then, I had to get involved.

Now, all the time, all day, people are asking me to get involved with their anti bullying campaigns and I love it – I want to be able to help where I can.

My song’s are actually made for anti bullying – the same mindset. This isn’t getting too deep now is it? ( laughs )

Do you have plans for Xmas and will you be spending it with a ‘special soneome’?
Hah, well I plan to spend it with lots of special people actually – my friends and family! My family are from Bristol, which is where I grew up and then I moved to Essex. I’m really excited to see everyone and to have fun. I’m only going to be able to see them for a few days as I’m so busy, but it’s going to be nice to be able to sit around in my boxers, watching TV and eating loads of food! I’m really looking forward to it!

Who are the best songwriters of our generation?
Ahhh, REALLY good question. ( pauses for some time )

Songwritings a hard one as it’s subjective – some people will say some are, others will say others. I don’t just like pop music though. Their is so many established artists out there. It actually makes me feel quite sad that writers don’t get the credit they deserve.

RIGHT – I’ve nailed an example. Katy Perry. Whoever writes the music for Katy Perry, I presume she doesnt do it all herself, they do it really well. You can listen to her music anywhere – in a club or a shopping centre for example and it’s catchy!

Anttix, Anttix music
Anttix pose

What is your favourite UK Entertainment Website?

You know what, before I was a singer, I was about 17 and working in executive pensions and I kept thinking, ‘I wish I wasnt here, I wish I was a pop singer.’ And look at me now! ( laughs ) Now I’m a pop singer!

I wasnt very good at that job but apparently they kept me there as I was good for company morale which was quite nice to know! ( laughs )

90% of your fans are girls, what the craziest tweet you’ve been sent?
There’s been a few but one girl had my autograph tattooed on top of her boobs! ( laughs ) That was pretty crazy! I love that people love me and my music, but it’s so strange. I’m just starting out, an up ‘n’ coming artist like you said, so I’m still getting used to it and the fact that everyday I wake up to 100’s of tweets! ( laughs ). If you met me, I seem normal, so I’m slowly getting used to all the attention. I’m just a normal person really!

Which celeb do you think, you most look like?
I get Joey Corry all the time. He’s Sophie’s boyfriend off Geordie Shore. I don’t think i do though

(Hannah – No – you really don’t! )

Anttix – I don’t do I? Thank you! I went through a phase of getting Joey Essex all the time too, but I think that was down to the clothes I was wearing and my style at the time. I’ve had my haircut since though – your hair and clothes can make you look so different so I like to change what I look like all the time.

Well we think you look great! Best of luck with the release!

Anttix – Thanks & also, don’t forget to tell the world how much you love me!

( Hannah – I will be sure to tell the world how much we love you!

Thank you again Anttix – it’s been lovely chatting to you

Anttix is still finding the time to head back into the studio to finish recording his highly anticipated debut album, which is set for release early 2014


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Hannah Fuller

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