Set in Willington, the short horror movie ‘Dolly v Eve: Homecoming’ is the finale after 5 films from writer and director Dean Midas.
Dolly v Eve: Homecoming is the latest film in the franchise (Soon to be released) and in our opinion is the best yet following the success of ‘Valentine’s Eve 2’, ‘Dolly v Eve (2020)’, ‘The Rag Dolly (2020)’, ‘Valentine’s Eve’; and ‘The Rag Dolly Returns’ which have been watched by audiences globally and even featured at this years American Horror Film Festival.
Here at MarkMeets we love movies and having watched the new short horror flick already, it left us wanting more!!
“I’m in a rush, get going” says Eve Valentine as she first enters one of the early scenes heading in a car to SeaShells – It’s all happening within the opening two minutes where we witness the start of the horror which has only just begun!
“She is out” having escaped from the high security that kept the neighbourhood safe from the clothed nigthmare of the local community! Inspector Gates is well aware of her change in appearance but would you recognise her? and if you did would you escape??
YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Dean Midas film writer and director exclusive interview
Read on to see what we discover about The Rag Dolly and just how did her past change her? and what’s next??
First let’s introduce Sam Lavery who plays Eve Valentine whilst Faye Ormston plays Rag Dolly, the pair have been at the heart of the film series and are both well known media professionals with Sam coming from a musical background and Faye known as an actor / director.
Throughout the film we see a cardboard cut-out of a particular character which could easily be mistaken for the real thing! It’s a clever move which causes many different reactions from the cast from confusion to panic but with always the same end result! (No plot spoilers here!).
The locations from the old hall cottages in the countryside to the Manor house hotel and other movie staging form the ideal backdrop accompanying the script which delivers real suspense from the on-set. Whilst there is no gore, we do witness several murders and the fear of innocent members of the public as they encounter the most wanted Dolly and Eve gives us the chills just thinking about it!
The sound effects and original music throughout really adding a further depth to what is said to be the last in the run of the horror franchise.
“Is he dead”, I need to call the police” but is it too late?? Dead or alive, Rag Dolly and Eve Valentine are coming in.
“If Scream were to be filmed in North-East of England, then the film makers could learn a lot of Dean Midas and his talented team”.
Mark Boardman
We would suggest you watch all of the other shorts before ‘Dolly v Eve: Homecoming’ but it’s a standalone in it’s self bit if you enjoy the horror genre they checkout the playlist here.
You can watch the teaser trailer below and we hope you enjoy the final film which see’s several new cast members joining (But for how long will some of them surive Dolly v’s Eve)?? The delivery from the characters is inkeeping with the high quality production on what was a minimal budget so massive credit for delivering such a fantastic project.
Follow the story online and we hope you enjoy it just as much as we did.
Dolly v Eve: Homecoming is edited and ready for its Friday 22nd October release.
Are you brave enough to watch??
Follow the film online #DollyvEveHomecoming #Halloween
What’s more there are now less than Two weeks to go until the Premiere of Dolly v Eve: Homecoming!!
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Executive Editor
Sarah looks after corporate enquiries and relationships for UKFilmPremieres, CelebEvents, ShowbizGossip, Celeb Management brands for the MarkMeets Group. Sarah works for numerous media brands across the UK.
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