How To Contact Celebrities

MarkMeets explain ‘How To Contact Celebrities’ – Whether you work in the media/for a charity or business; are a photographer, journalist, writer, presenter, blogger or are just a a celebrity fan!!

Celebs are in high demand from the public from across the world and stars like Justin Bieber are said to receive 500 tweets a minute, what are the odds he will see your message…”Very low indeed” is the answer!

how to contact celebs managers press mediaSo if you are working on a project and need to book a celeb or just need to get a message through to a celebrity then there are several ways you can do this…(some are more successful than others).



Option 1 – You can try to tweet them, facebook them or write to them via their fanmail address though the odds of getting anything more than a simple hello or signed photo are remote.

Many autographs sent from fanmail letters are not signed by the said star in many cases as they are too busy and so they get their secretary to do it for them!

So how do we recommend you contact celebs? Having worked in the media for more than a decade we spend alot of time working with celebrities including their PR team, manager, press contacts, record labels etc to set up anything from interviews to competitions and twitter takeovers etc so whilst we can’t set this up for you we can give you the benefit of our advice.

Subscribe for bulletins of future showbiz events from film premieres and award shows for press accreditation and attendance. Access 45,000+ high quality celebrity contacts for a low fee.

Besides searching the web for contact details (beside fanmail address)…we recommend by the way though most letters and requests for many stars go answered or their is often many months delay for a reply which would make communicating anything very difficult, obviously it’s impossible to manager 1000 letters/requests in a day!

Very often too, famous people change their management and or record company or even press agency and so data online can be old, especially if you don’t even have a named person to write too or email! Whats more unless they know you, you have to have done your research or know of you then the chances are that you will be low priority or put in the recycle bin.

Want to approaching upcoming acts for bookings? again in the past it can be difficult to find any contact details for them online at all and that is why many companies do the work for you!

For more details click HERE, alternatively Call Anna / Elly on: 020 3021 0898 or email TheHandbook Make sure you quote ‘MARKMEETS‘ when you order.


Option 2 – Use the tried and tested method and buy celebrity contact info; like many media sites, newspapers, magazines, radio stations and anyone looking to make it in the music, tv or movie business from presenters, to writers, bloggers, vbloggers, models, actors, musicians do!

There are several companies who provide this serivce though for up-to-date contact info price, reliability and services we recommended only one for product, price and service: The Handbook.

We work alongside the team at the handbook, who provide two services…the first is news of upcoming showbiz events from film premieres to charity balls and product launches and the other service is for Celebrity Contact Details. With over 30,000 contacts on the database we highly recommend their media services. For more info or to sign please use the links below.


Looking to contact a specific celebrity or discover upcoming showbiz events in London but can’t find the info or time to source it? We have the solution for you covering the Music, TV, Film, Radio, Sport, Fashion and Art industries including public figures.

Use the service whether you want to look to the stars to find celebrity press contacts for charity events, charity donations, looking for names and number of agents or by email, or simply need contacts for interviews or business.


MarkMeets – Digital Media And Entertainment Site Covering Showbiz News, Music, TV And, Theatre and Movie Features, Red Carpet Reviews & Photos, Backstage Festival Coverage And Celebrity Interviews! “We’re Here To Inspire And Lead The Way In Entertainment”.

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