Introducing ‘The Royal’

Here at MarkMeets we love promoting new talent and today we introduce THE ROYAL, from Milwaukee, WI, USA.

The five-piece were recently signed to GRM by director Gary Raymond (The man who is behind Room 94, The Parades and The Promise), oh and he is not only a good friend of ours but is renowned as the man who discovered Koopa, Twenty Twenty and The Loveable Rogues.

The Royal
Introducing ‘The Royal’

USA pop rockers look set to hit the floor running in 2014 with their addictive melodies, aggressive beats and fat synth lines that will leave you craving more.

‘Bounce Back’ Music Video

‘Girl Like That’ Music Video

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Mark Meets
Mark Meets
MarkMeets Media is British-based online news magazine covering showbiz, music, tv and movies
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