Mexican gastronomy

You have probably heard of different places around the globe that are considered “World Heritage Sites,” right? They are worthy of this honor for different reasons such as architecture, ancient history, culture, buildings or whole landscapes that need to be preserved. In short, a world heritage has to do with how significant a place is to world history.

Now, have you heard of “Intangible Heritage of Humanity?” Mexican gastronomy was named one. Needless to say the honor of being considered an Intangible Heritage is not surprising at all since food and gastronomy is one of the backbones of Mexican culture. Together with other iconic cuisines in the world like Japanese or Mediterranean, Mexican gastronomy is the result of thousands of years of history, culture and tradition. Moreover, they found a perfect way to integrate the new ingredients brought by colonizers and immigrants to create a magnificent cuisine. Let’s see what they have to offer and how we can bring Mexico to our kitchen.

Tradition, heritage and influence  

If we had to get into detail about how modern Mexican cuisine was built, we would have to mention the land first. Mexican territory offers a wide biodiversity and that encouraged the locals to try new ways of food making.

Modern dishes and traditions can be traced back to pre-Hispanic times and some of the most used ingredients today too. For example, corn or chili peppers together with beans have always been part of their dietary traditions.

Now, as for the foreign influences, the land that is today Mexico received Spanish colonizers who brought along new ingredients. However, when it comes to gastronomy, the process can be better described as an exchange more than a colonization because not only did the Mexicans take and adapt the new ingredients, the Spanish took back to the Continent the spices and elements found in Mexican territory. Lastly, we can also see influences from the Chinese traditions in ingredients such as rice which was brought by both this and the Spanish culture.

Mexican sauces  

One of the staples in this gastronomy are the sauces. Red, green, spicy or sweet, every dish has a sauce in it and they are responsible for making them delicious and so appetizing!

  • Red sauce: naturally, the red color comes from the tomatoes and the chili used in it. Like most of the sauces, you can make them with the help of a blender. Try adding onion and the right seasonings: salt and pepper together with paprika and cilantro. If you like garlic, add it too, it’s a perfect match. If you want to try a dish with this sauce in it, try Mexican rice, a staple dish. Follow the recipe here:
  • Chipotle sauces: If you find yourself on the spicy end of taste, this sauce is for you. Chipotle sauce is spicy as it comes from jalapeños. Contrary to red sauce, first you have to boil dried chilis with tomatoes. After that, you can take everything to the blender and add salt, onions and garlic. Just a teaspoon of vinegar and you’re done! Use it in tacos or a dip for nachos.
  • Guacamole: this is a classic worldwide! As you probably know, you need avocados, onions and t? Add garlic, lemon and cilantro! Season with salt and a teaspoon of olive oil and enjoy as a dip or to drip over several dishes.
  • Green sauce: similar to red sauce, green sauce gets its name from green tomatoes and it can be made with the same ingredients: garlic and onions with a good share of spices. If you would like to make it spicier, add jalapeños to the mix! Try it over chilaquiles or enchiladas.
  • Chamony: combining the acid, spicy and sweet flavors, Chamony is one of the favorite sauces among the locals. Similar to the other ones, it is made with chili and corn. It also uses dehydrated fruit and it takes the sweet flavor from the sugar. However, it also uses vinegar and salt. This sauce also comes in powder, making it great to sprinkle over sweet treats.

Mexican cuisine is as diverse as the country itself. The many landscapes offer a wide variety of ingredients and cooking possibilities. Just a walk around a Mexican city will show you the true spirit of this gastronomy which has to do with tradition, bonds and culture!

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Adam Regan
Adam Regan
Deputy Editor

Features and account management. 3 years media experience. Previously covered features for online and print editions.


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