Xbox Series X and S Will Start Up Faster


Microsoft will soon implement an Xbox Series X and S update that makes the console boot up faster.

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As reported by The Verge, Xbox’s director of integrated marketing confirmed on Twitter (below) that the new feature being tested in Xbox Insider builds cuts the console’s boot time in half.

Xbox has created a new animation that, while it doesn’t seem too different, cuts the original boot time of nine seconds down to a much quicker four, meaning Xbox users can now get into their consoles and games even faster. As it’s currently just in a beta testing phase the update isn’t available for all Xbox users but will likely be released fully soon.

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Microsoft has implemented a number of changes to make its Energy Saver mode more appealing, including an update in March that allowed updates to be downloaded while switched to this setting.

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Michael P
Los Angeles based finance writer covering everything from crypto to the markets.

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