A long and soothing bath is the ultimate relaxation after a long, hard day’s work in the modern world.
Investing time and money in a property will make it feel more like home.
The entire bathing experience can become arduous and cumbersome if your bathtub is extremely worn out and dysfunctional. Victoria Plum has some of the latest designs and materials for bathtubs you can want. But do you understand the practicality and performance of the choices of bathtubs available to you?
Consider the following factors before purchasing a new bathtub to add to your bathroom and upgrading your ideal home.
- Correctly Determine The Dimensions Of A Bathtub
The size of the bathtub is one of the most crucial factors when purchasing a new bathtub. The easiest way to go about this is to purchase the same size bathtub if you already have one. The following are UK standard bathtub sizes
- Small Bath Size: 1,400mm to 1,500mm length X 700mm width
- Average Bath Size: 1,700mm length X 700mm width
- Large Bath Size: 1,800mm length X 800mm width
The standard height for a UK bathtub is 550mm and it will have a capacity of 200 litres. The following are the steps you need to follow to measure for a bathtub.
- Select the area of the bathroom where you will place the tub. If there is a door close to it, consider how far the door opens.
- Measure The Length: Measure the distance next to the wall where the bathtub will be placed. The measurement will often be from one corner of the wall to the other corner.
- Measure The Width: From the longest wall, measure the vertical space where the bathtub will be placed. Remember that there should not be anything in the way such as cabinets, fixtures, or a basin.
- Measure the Height: Measure the distance from the floor to the top edge of the bathtub. This measurement will be especially handy if you need to install a bath panel.
The bathtub will sit just beneath the tiles if you have tiled walls. This means that there might be a little variation in size in the measurements you have taken and actual sizes. Finally, measure your bathroom door to make sure that the bathtub can fit through the bathroom door. It might sound obvious, but a lot of people often make this mistake and realize it when it’s too late.
The Benefits & Drawbacks Of Bathtub Materials
Bathtubs can be made from many different materials and each material has its advantages and disadvantages. You can even find wooden bathtubs that claim to be functional for a long time to come but that is just not true. Here we look at some of the more practical options for bathtub materials. Do you have the courage for something special?
Acrylic: This is a lightweight material that is sufficiently durable and has good insulative properties. This is a very affordable choice and can be easily repaired. This is not a very fancy option because it can get scratched and stained.
Cast Iron: A cast iron bathtub is an investment in an extremely durable and long-lasting material. Cast iron bathtubs come in many different designs and are extremely good at keeping hot water warm. The drawback of this material is that it is extremely heavy.
Fibreglass: This is also an affordable and popular option but it is not so good of an insulator. Fibreglass will be a practical option in warmer areas. Fibreglass can be scratched and stained easily over time.
Marble: Marble is one of the best materials for a bathtub but it will require maintenance every now and then. A customized marble bathtub can be extremely expensive.
Steel: A steel bathtub looks like a cast iron bathtub but it is not as durable as cast iron. Steel bathtubs can chip easily as they get older. This might not be the best option if you want your bathwater to stay warm.
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