In today’s economy, many people are experiencing a serious hike in their energy bills, and the costs of daily living are soaring. With this in mind, it is a good idea to make choices that can help your home run more efficiently. After all, an efficient home can reduce costs, and it can help you reduce your carbon footprint too. Here are a few ways to help you save money at home.
Insulate Your Home
Your home should be the place where you feel the most comfortable. Unfortunately, bad insulation can reduce comfort in the home. Besides cold draughts around the home, a poorly insulated property can become uncomfortably hot in the summer months too. In turn, you will find yourself plugging in fans in different rooms of the home in the summer and cranking up the heating in the winter to combat adverse temperatures. To stop this from happening, insulate your roof and the walls and floors of your home. Double glazed windows can also help keep your home at an optimum temperature. Unfortunately, these types of home improvements can be costly. If you don’t have the budget for this, you can also reduce cold draughts with a draught excluder, stay warm by wrapping foam tubing around exposed pipes and reduce heat loss from radiators using radiator reflector panels.
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Invest in Secondary Glazing
As mentioned above, it can be expensive to invest in permanent insulated solutions around the home. However, secondary glazing is a great way to keep out the cold without splashing out on double glazing. It is often cheaper to install than double glazed windows, yet they can reduce heat loss at home by at least 60 percent. Installation is straightforward, and the upkeep is minimal. Simply follow a simple cleaning guide for your secondary glazing to keep it in good condition all year round.
Unplug Electronics
One of the most simple ways to cut costs at home is to get into the habit of unplugging electronics after you have finished using them.
Install a Smart Thermostat
In many households, you will find some form of smart technology. The one-piece of smart tech that can save you a significant amount is a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats are nifty gadgets that can help keep your property at a consistent temperature at all times. Moderating the temperature at home can not only help you feel comfortable, but it can also regulate energy costs too. Smart thermostats can be controlled remotely by smart devices, like a tablet or a smartphone, which means you won’t accidentally leave the heating on all day ever again.
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Replace Old Doors
If you live in an old home and you have never replaced the doors, you might be surprised by the difference it could make. Old doors are not only aesthetically displeasing, but they also lack security and can let in the cold easily too. Replace old doors with sturdy, new ones to enhance the security, insulation, and aesthetic of your home.
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Executive Editor
Sarah looks after corporate enquiries and relationships for UKFilmPremieres, CelebEvents, ShowbizGossip, Celeb Management brands for the MarkMeets Group. Sarah works for numerous media brands across the UK.
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