Ever since the days of traditional land-based casinos, players have believed in various omens and signs that accompany a successful game and predetermine a loss. It was not only about black cats on the road, and other signs, faced with which many didn’t even risk to start the game, but also many other omens. Seemingly, Amunra casino players don’t look at these omens, but they also have a lot of superstitions, which are followed even by experienced gamblers, not to mention a love for talismans attracting good luck. Undoubtedly, the main secret of such superstitions lies in banal human psychology, and mysticism has nothing to do with the luck factor.
The Omens Of Modern Players
The vast majority of players took the transition of gambling industry in the virtual space in a positive way, appreciating the comfort and new opportunities offered by sites. It’s hard to imagine a situation where a newcomer, upon entering a land-based casino, would get a pleasant surprise in the form of a stack of free chips, while similar welcome bonuses in online halls have long ceased to be a rarity.
Visitors are also not spared superstitions, although most superstitions are related to luck, as a characteristic phenomenon of the gaming process or a time when the greatest degree of luck was observed.
Of course, there are now fewer various mystical reasons like “evil eye” or negative wishes before the game, but even here, in the virtual casino superstitions and amulets are present:
● Put a Chinese three-legged toad on the computer desk, according to feng shui;
● Put a dollar bill under the mat;
● Don’t play slots in a bad mood;
● Hang a lucky coin over the monitor;
● Don’t play on Friday the thirteenth;
● Don’t sit down to play poker during major Orthodox holidays.
Each player has his own “proven” dates when he should not sit down at the slot machines or certain prejudices that indicate failure. Researchers attribute such phenomena to more natural reasons based on the individual biorhythms of each person, and the mystical component is more to the liking of those who rely on the lucky location of the stars and Lady Fortune.
The logic of prejudice that you can not sit down at the card table or favorite online slot in a bad mood or in a state of increased anxiety and excitability is understandable. Any case, to which a person starts with negative emotions, is sure to end in failure. But moods are very volatile and should be considered as a valid omen when playing is rather controversial.
Other Signs
In virtual casinos, the omen of an unsuccessful outcome of the game, if you cannot load the game the first time, became quite popular. But how can it be taken seriously? Often the problem lies in the bad speed of the Internet, because of which it’s impossible to download your favorite slot, which has nothing to do with luck.
The systematic loss on your favorite slot on Mondays, where you used to be accompanied by luck, cannot be considered related to this day. Professional players argue that it’s unrealistic to win for a long period of time, so that exclusively winnings were provided for many hours in a row.
Such cases are more the exception to the rule than the norm. It’s difficult to explain when every, for example, the third spin brings a long-awaited win because the random number generator is an unpredictable thing and to count on a stable prize ending with a certain step is more than naive.
The key to success is more based on smart bets and informed decisions, and if you base your game on these principles, then the chances of success increase significantly.
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