5 Steps to Make Your App International

Making your app international is a huge project.

From translations and performance analysis to servers and mobile app localization, there’s an endless supply of things to consider and optimize before you successfully reach global markets. No matter what your experience level, this is a mammoth task. Getting it right takes time and effort, so our five-step-guide is here to give you all the tips, tricks and tools you need to launch your app internationally. 

  1. Research

Like anything else, it pays to be prepared. While it may seem tedious and long-winded, doing your research actually lays the foundation for everything to come. 

If you’re looking to tap into international business, you need to first research and prioritize a place to start. Scope out where there’s more demand and less competition – find out which apps are doing well and if there are any gaps in the market. Focus on what they’re doing well and what they could improve on, then compare with your own service and work out what your USPs are. You also want to get a feel for the culture in that market and how well your app is suited to it. For example, you need to ensure it respects their customs and traditions and isn’t inappropriate or offensive.

  1. Strategize

With so many elements to app localization, setting a clear strategy is key to success. Think about the technical aspects of app optimization for each new market, as well as the marketing plan and translations for the target regions. Bear in mind this will be an ongoing process – any updates will require proper localization going forward, so be sure to arrange for this too.

  1. Localize

Now you’ve researched and strategized, you’re ready to jump into the practical work of localizing your app. The first port of call is to translate every bit of text, audio and video on your app – not forgetting critical SEO information like metatags and hreflang tags, as well as privacy policies and user agreements. Calendar formats, special characters and currencies should also be taken into consideration when adapting content for international markets.

  1. Test

At this point you’ll be close to launching your app, but not before testing it first. Testing ensures the user experience is completely streamlined and consistent across markets, preventing any delays or costly mistakes. Think of it as the last form of quality control to fix any errors, replace rogue characters and identify bugs. It’s especially important to check this across different devices and programs, just in case there are any individual problems.

  1. Launch

Finally all the hard work has come to fruition. Your app is now ready to go and break out into new markets, so take this time to think about how you want to promote your service. Start by optimizing your app listings (including screenshots, descriptions and keywords) and then consider setting up localized ads and social media accounts. This will broaden your reach and give the app a boost to get it going.

Author Profile

Scott Baber
Scott Baber
Senior Managing editor

Manages incoming enquiries and advertising. Based in London and very sporty. Worked news and sports desks in local paper after graduating.

Email Scott@MarkMeets.com

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