Is It Possible To Redefine Your Brand From The Ground Up?

Most of us are aware of the rebrand potential some businesses have – we know this because from time to time, a popular business will change its name, branding, and perhaps even their core values to update itself with the times. 

Perhaps the most significant example of this is Facebook’s switch into Meta, a company that encompasses all of their apps and platforms like Oculus VR, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and everything involved with that.

However, unlike hiring a stylist to revivify your wardrobe, a business makeover and core change is not always easy to schedule and use. For this reason, it’s important to consider all of the disparate elements that unify into one rebrand approach. 

After all, not all rebrands and redefinitions of output are the same; all businesses, especially large businesses, will encounter a great deal of nuance and the need for lateral thinking should they hope to restructure from now into the future.

Thankfully, you’re not starting from scratch. You may have some assets, products, services and a loyal customer base already in place, so selling them on the idea may be your essential goal more than anything else. In this post, we’ll discuss a few measures for how this might be, and how to look to the future with that in mind:

  1. Understanding Your Purpose

To begin with, it’s essential to understand why we’re hoping to do the rebrand in the first place. This can be for many reasons. In some cases, it may be to revivify our placement in the market, perhaps because our prior name has been associated with poor performance or even a consumer scandal that caused some reputational damage.

Alternatively, perhaps you see the shifting change in the market and hope to cater towards a growing audience. For instance, many companies that once marketed themselves exclusively for men or women are starting to realize that doing so may just have limited their potential demographic reach. When you understand your purpose, you’re more likely to look at the whole picture and most importantly, know how to measure results, in order to justify your approach.

  1. Cutting The Fat

Rebrands are a great time by which to restructure your firm internally. It may be that cutting departments or even adding them where appropriate (perhaps such as departments which seemed to have no bearing), outsourcing certain services, and undergoing a performance review so you can more easily see which team you wish to bring with you into the future is always a great idea.

“Cutting the fat” may seem like a relatively harsh approach to take, but it’s true that in order to move forward, sometimes you have to do so in renewed form. This can help you make way for new hires, a new structuring of a department, or renewed integrations like downsizing your offices and then implementing remote work capabilities so that costs are cut and employee convenience is raised.

  1. Analyze The Competition

The competition, who you will compete against in good faith but will still hope to outperform, may have changed and changed significantly since you first structured your brand approach. Now, it might be that you’re competing with companies from abroad more often, or perhaps because now software-as-a-service (SaaS) is more popular, you no longer have the innovative appeal you once had.

For this reason, taking the time to analyze everything about your three main competitors can be helpful, as this allows you to consider which market they’re not attending to, or how to overcome the mistakes they may be making. This critical look can help you decide upon simple elements of your rebrand such as your logo design, but also your brand voice going forward.

  1. Reformat Where Appropriate

Rebranding does take some investment, but not an overbearing amount. It’s not as if you’ll need to restructure every single element of your company, as if you’ve been using a certain brand of printer or managed IT service for your internal network, it’s not as if you need to change that just because the wider package of your business is changing, that is unless you begin offering vastly different services and products.

It sounds like a paradoxical statement to make, but redefining your brand from the ground up doesn’t mean eschewing everything that’s worthwhile. It just means putting those assets to better use. That said, reformatting around how you deliver your value can be a great idea. 

For instance, renewing your product packaging with less plastic and more of a focus on visual design can be key. Making sure that all elements of your business are redefined as the new name, even for email newsletters, account access necessities, and premium subscription services are taken care of, so the whole approach is unified and properly presented is crucial.

When you can reformat, you not only sell this to your staff, but to the market too. More on that below:

  1. Selling Your Renewed & Reformatted Brand

Ultimately, you hope that your clients, customers and staff will not only appreciate but believe in your rebrand, but really, they’re under no obligation to do so. It’s up to us to prove to them that caring is worth it, that now more than any other time, you hope to deliver your value with care and attention.

There are many measures you can use to help with that. Scheduling staff meetings where everyone can ask questions and get up to speed is a great start. But it can also be essential to utilize essential promotional services such as the digital marketing agency Unity Online, as they can help distil everything worthwhile about your brand and push that marketing package with care, nuance, and targeted insight.

This way, over time, the proof will be in the pudding and everyone who needs to be informed about the rebrand will be informed. This smoothes out the process just a little more, and that’s always a welcome approach to take.

With this advice, you’re certain to redefine your brand from the ground up. The hidden secret is to use this as an opportunity to truly audit everything you need to improve and the mistakes you hope to avoid, rather than using it as a platform to escape issues and errors made in the past.

We wish you nothing but the best of success!

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Stevie Flavio
Film Writer

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