Exploring the Top 10 Zombies in Edgar Wright’s “Shaun of the Dead”
Edgar Wright’s iconic comedy-horror film, “Shaun of the Dead,” has been a fan favorite for over two decades. This unique take on the zombie genre not only delivers laughs and scares but also introduces a variety of memorable zombies. Let’s dive into the top 10 zombies that have left an indelible mark on the hearts of fans.
1. Chris Martin from Coldplay as a Zombie
Portrayed By Chris Martin
In a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment, Chris Martin, the renowned frontman of Coldplay, makes a comical cameo as a zombie in the final scenes of “Shaun of the Dead.” Though barely visible, the inclusion of a pop music icon as an undead threat adds a delightful touch to the film. This cameo reflects Edgar Wright’s commitment to diversifying zombie types, making each encounter a unique experience.
2. Pyjama Zombie
Portrayed By Nick Ewans
During the group’s journey to The Winchester, a bald, middle-aged zombie in pyjamas becomes an unexpected obstacle. Shaun, armed with a tetherball pole, delivers a memorable and questionable kill by impaling the zombie against a tree. This scene adds a humorous touch to the zombie-killing moments, showcasing Wright’s ability to balance horror and comedy.
3. The Pigeon-Eating Zombie, aka Pigeon Man
Portrayed By Patch Connolly
A grizzled-looking man, later known as Pigeon Man, provides an early hint of the zombie apocalypse as Shaun witnesses him attacking pigeons. This subtle introduction keeps the audience engaged, setting the stage for the unfolding terror in London. Pigeon Man’s bizarre behavior adds a layer of intrigue to the film’s early moments.
4. Barbara, Shaun’s Mom
Portrayed By Penelope Wilton
Barbara, a name synonymous with zombie film history, takes on a poignant role as Shaun’s bitten mother. The tragic scene where Shaun is forced to shoot his undead mom is a powerful moment in the film. This emotional twist emphasizes the human cost of the zombie apocalypse, contributing to the depth of the narrative.
5. Mary, The Cashier Zombie
Portrayed By Nicola Cunningham
Mary, initially seen as a cashier during the film’s opening credits, becomes the first zombie killed by Shaun. This encounter serves as a turning point, revealing the severity of the undead invasion. The realization that ordinary people, like Mary, can turn into threats adds a layer of tension to the storyline.
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6. Pete, The Roommate
Portrayed By Peter Serafinowicz
Pete, Shaun’s roommate, undergoes a transition to a zombie, straining relationships within the group. The moment Shaun discovers Ed zombified in the shower is a perfect blend of horror and comedy. It encapsulates the film’s theme that anyone, even those close to the protagonist, can become a victim in the zombie apocalypse.
7. Ed, Shaun’s Best Friend
Portrayed By Nick Frost
As Shaun’s best friend, Ed plays a vital role in the film. His tragic fate, bitten by a zombie near the end, adds emotional depth to the story. The revelation that Ed, despite being a zombie, continues to exist in a chained-up state behind Shaun’s home creates a unique and memorable twist.
8. The Zombie Who Gets “White Lines” Wrong
In a carefree moment, Shaun and Ed sing “White Lines” after a night out. A zombie joins in, incorporating its groans with their singing. The amusing twist occurs when the zombie gets the lyrics wrong, providing a creepy yet funny moment. This scene captures the essence of the film’s horror-comedy mixture.
9. John, The Zombie Bartender at The Winchester
Portrayed By Steve Emerson
The Winchester pub plays a pivotal role, becoming the group’s chosen refuge during the zombie apocalypse. The encounter with John, the elderly zombie bartender, results in a memorable and uproarious horror-comedy moment. The synchronized beating of John with pool cues, set to Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now,” adds a unique and entertaining touch.
10. Philip, Shaun’s Step-Dad
Portrayed By Bill Nighy
Philip’s transformation into a zombie stands out for its unique blend of creepiness, sadness, and humor. Bitten early on, Philip’s misguided confidence leads to a memorable undead experience. The scene where he struggles to turn off his car’s stereo while transitioning into a zombie reflects the film’s ability to evoke a range of emotions.
In conclusion, “Shaun of the Dead” not only delivers a perfect blend of horror and comedy but also introduces a diverse array of memorable zombies. Each encounter contributes to the film’s unique charm, making it a timeless classic in the zombie genre. Whether it’s celebrity cameos or creatively executed zombie kills, “Shaun of the Dead” continues to captivate audiences with its fresh take on the undead.
Author Profile

- Mark Boardman is an established showbiz journalist and freelance copywriter whose work has been published in Business Insider, Daily Mail, Bloomberg, MTV, Buzzfeed, and The New York Post, amongst other media. Often spotted on the red carpet at celebrity events and film screenings, Mark is a regular guest on BBC Radio London and in demand for his opinions on media outlets such as Newsweek, Daily Express, and OK! Magazine, as well as Heart radio, Capital FM, LBC, and Radio 2. His TV credits include ITV News, This Morning, BBC News, The One Show, Sky News, GB News, and Channel T4. Mark is a keen traveller having visited 40+ countries, and a devout sports fan who also attends as many gigs as he can across the capital when not rubbing shoulders with the stars. Email Mark@MarkMeets.com
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