Marvel’s Ultimate Universe is making a triumphant return, years after its initial debut and subsequent destruction. This reimagined universe, Earth-6160, had a full lauch earlier in 2024. Unlike its predecessor, which gave birth to a fresh Marvel Universe, this iteration of Ultimate Marvel carries a unique backstory. In this article, we’ll delve into ten essential aspects of this revived Ultimate Universe to help readers prepare for the upcoming titles.
1. The Ultimate Universe Was Destroyed and Re-created
The new Ultimate Universe, Earth-6160, is distinct from its predecessor, Earth-1610, which met its demise in the Secret Wars #1 comic written by Jonathan Hickman, illustrated by Esad Ribić, colored by Ive Svorcina, and lettered by Clayton Cowles in 2015. Earth-6160, the newly introduced reality, promises a fresh take on the Marvel Universe, reminiscent of its predecessor in some visual aspects but fundamentally different in its essence. As with the original Ultimate Universe, Earth-6160 introduces readers to a world where many superheroes are just beginning to emerge.
2. The Maker Recreated the Ultimate Universe Using Time Travel
The scarcity of superheroes in Earth-6160 can be attributed to the Maker, the malevolent version of Reed Richards from the original Ultimate Universe. As revealed in the Ultimate Invasion miniseries, written by Jonathan Hickman, with artwork by Bryan Hitch, Andrew Currie, Alex Sinclair, and Joe Caramagna, the Maker harnessed time travel to covertly seize control of the newly formed universe. His manipulation altered the origins of Marvel characters, preventing most of them from acquiring their powers. For example, the Maker transformed the Hulk into a supervillain and eliminated the Fantastic Four, except for an alternate Reed Richards.
3. Most Characters Still Exist
Despite the Maker’s interventions, Earth-6160 remains a recognizable Marvel Universe. Characters like Tony Stark and Captain America still exist, although their origins have been reimagined. These characters, though altered, are familiar to long-time readers. In Ultimate Universe #2, the Maker acknowledges the existence of this world’s Doctor Strange and Thor, highlighting that certain elements remain constant across universes. Despite the Maker’s efforts to suppress the emergence of superheroes, the universe still adheres to a familiar pattern.
4. Supervillains Secretly Rule the World
The Maker’s dominion over Earth-6160 extends to covertly manipulating global geopolitics through a council of supervillainous world leaders, essentially the new Ultimate Universe version of the Illuminati. By designating one nation at a time as a simulated global ‘enemy,’ they maintain an illusion of conflict, ensuring their supremacy over the world’s population. This council comprises villainous iterations of well-known Marvel heroes, such as the Hulk, Moon Knight, Colossus, and Magik. The defeat of the Maker in the Ultimate Invasion miniseries paves the way for a new generation of superheroes to challenge this unjust status quo.
5. The Universe Tackles Contemporary Issues and Themes
The architect of this new Ultimate Universe, Jonathan Hickman, emphasizes that it grapples with contemporary themes and concerns. For instance, in Ultimate Invasion #4, Howard Stark candidly admits that he has chosen to ignore the world’s problems for the sake of convenience, mirroring society’s reluctance to confront global issues that demand significant and often painful changes. Similar to the original Ultimate Universe, these stories magnify modern anxieties within a superhero context.
6. Tony Stark Leads the New Generation of Heroes
In the aftermath of Ultimate Invasion, a young Tony Stark steps into the role of Iron Lad, inspired by his father Howard’s determination. Teaming up with this universe’s Reed Richards, Tony embarks on recruiting various heroes in the upcoming Ultimate Universe #1 one-shot, crafted by Jonathan Hickman and Stefano Caselli. This one-shot is likely to establish Earth-6160’s version of the Ultimates, analogous to the Avengers in the Ultimate Universe. Whether this team will have its own dedicated series is yet to be confirmed, but Tony’s journey is only beginning.
7. The Maker Will Return
In Ultimate Invasion #4, Howard Stark seals the Maker, along with his forces and the society of the City, inside the Maker’s base, where time passes differently. Thousands of years elapse within the city for every year outside it. The Maker’s evil council informs that the City will remain locked for two years, after which the Maker and the hyper-evolved society within will reemerge. This sets a countdown for both heroes and villains, driving their efforts to shape or control the world in the interim.
8. There’s a New Ultimate Spider-Man Coming
One of the most significant changes in Ultimate Invasion is the Maker’s interference with the young Peter Parker, preventing him from gaining his Spider-Man powers. This alteration is notable because the original Ultimate Spider-Man comic introduced the original Ultimate Universe. Jonathan Hickman and Marco Checchetto are launching a new Ultimate Spider-Man series as Earth-6160’s flagship ongoing title. Hickman hints that this Spider-Man may resemble the middle-aged Peter B. Parker from the Spider-Verse films, departing from the teenage Peter Parker of the original Ultimate Universe.
9. It’s Not Too Far From the Mainline Marvel Universe
In Ultimate Invasion #1, the Maker traverses from Earth-616 to Earth-6160 using technology stolen from the Illuminati, highlighting the proximity of these two universes. The fact that the Illuminati remains unaware of the Maker’s defeat suggests that they may attempt to pursue him. In Ultimate Invasion #1, the Maker gives Miles Morales, another refugee from the original Ultimate Universe, a seemingly blank business card that holds the key to contacting him across universes. This implies a potential crossover between the two universes in the future.
10. More Ultimate Titles Are on the Horizon
Beyond the initial titles, such as Ultimate Universe #1 and Ultimate Spider-Man #1, Marvel has plans for additional titles in the coming months. Bryan Hill and Stefano Caselli are working on a new Ultimate Black Panther series, exploring the emergence of Wakanda and its conflict with the villainous Ultimate Moon Knight. Furthermore, Peach Momoko is set to create a new version of Ultimate X-Men, with a particular focus on the character of Armor and delving into myth and folklore. As the new Ultimate Universe expands, we can anticipate a broader array of books featuring classic characters and teams.
In conclusion, Marvel’s revitalized Ultimate Universe, Earth-6160, holds intriguing promise for readers, blending familiar characters with fresh twists and contemporary themes. With a lineup of new titles and the return of iconic figures, this universe is poised to captivate both long-time fans and newcomers, offering a captivating exploration of the Marvel multiverse.
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