From Dusk Till Dawn Is Being Remastered In 4K

In celebration of the 25th anniversary of Quentin Tarantino’s classic action horror film From Dusk Till Dawn, it is being given the hi-definition treatment and being restored in full 4K resolution.

Written by Tarantino and directed by Robert Rodriguez, From Dusk Till Dawn was initially released in 1996. It starred a young George Clooney, Tarantino himself, and Salma Hayek, featuring a dark setting with a twisting plot and blood-sucking vampires, packed full of action and gore. It had all the makings of a Hollywood horror classic, fully deserving of a remaster 25 years on.

It will probably come as somewhat of a surprise that it was not incredibly well-received on release. The film begins with a couple of brothers taking hostages and fleeing over the border to Mexico, where they take refuge in a strip club that turns out to be infested with vampires.

The movie’s start had them expecting one thing and the whiplash-inducing speed with which it morphs into a slasher horror film left viewers feeling like it was two films mashed into one. 

“Nobody could understand it. Nobody wanted it. Originally they thought it was weird, you turn the page, and there are vampires! It makes no sense. Suddenly it became avant-garde,” Rodriguez revealed to Entertainment Weekly.

Despite all that, From Dusk Till Dawn still made $59.3-million at the box office against a budget of $19-million and opinions changed over time to the point where it is now a cult classic with a massive fanbase all over the world. Two sequels were made, although they haven’t gained nearly as much traction as the original – Danny Trejo is the only actor to appear in all three films – while there was also a television series inspired by the films released in 2014.

On top of that, the now-global popularity of From Dusk Till Dawn has left its traces across other media.

The sequels such as From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money (1999) and From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman’s Daughter are just a proof of that. There is also a TV Series on Netflix with the same title. Even a branded slot game From Dusk Till Dawn can be found on the list of new slots on some online casinos such as LeoVegas and Novibet.

While there have been some delays to the remaster due to some issues that impacted the film industry in 2020, it is expected that the From Dusk Till Dawn remake will be ready in 2021, just in time for the 25th-anniversary celebrations.

“I actually just finished a color correction for a 4K version. It looks gorgeous. It was cool to see. I can’t wait for that to come out to celebrate the anniversary,” Rodriguez confirmed. “It feels like it was a lifetime ago, but it doesn’t feel like it was that many years ago if that makes sense. I felt like I’ve had three or four lives in this life, but 25 does sound like a lot of years. It was a different life for me back then, for sure. I was starting out, the independent film scene was exploding, and From Dusk Till Dawn was an independently done film. It was really low budget. It was crazy how we shot that.”

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Mark Meets
Mark Meets
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