Henry Cavill admits to feeling pressured to look like Superman

‘Man of Steel’ actor Henry Cavill has admitted he is keen to ”look like Superman” when he’s naked.

The 32-year-old actor, who starred as the iconic superhero in the 2013 movie ‘Man of Steel’, explained that assuming the role is a double-edged sword.

Henry finds such critics frustrating, but accepts it's part of being a movie star.
Henry finds such critics frustrating, but accepts it’s part of being a movie star.

He shared: ”There’s a blessing in being Superman. You get more attention. But there’s also a curse, which is that you’d better f***ing look like Superman any time you need to get your kit off.

”You have your dark moments when you go on the internet forums.

”You’re peeking behind the curtain. You wonder, ‘What are people saying about me? Oh, that’s nice. Oh, how lovely.’

”But then you find one that isn’t. One that says you’re only in a relationship to raise your profile, or to prove you’re not gay. You think, ‘Why are they being so nasty?’ Then you start shaping your behaviour around the comments, and that’s not OK. That’s not healthy.”

Henry finds such critics frustrating, but accepts it’s part of being a movie star.

He told the Guardian: ”It’s weird, because there’s no accountability. Someone can quite happily write a diatribe about how much of a d**k I am. But if they met me in real life, I know what they’d probably say. ‘Can I have a picture with you?”’

Fitness wise Henry Cavill has a very special cardio routine to get into shape to play Superman in the upcoming movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: he has a lot of sex!

The English actor, who also played the superhero in Man of Steel, discussed his steamy workout regimen when he stopped by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on Wednesday. When the host asked him what he does to get a ripped body, Henry coyly said, “I run. That’s the savory answer.”

He then pointed to the cooing audience and said, “I think they get it!” Jimmy then asked Henry if he makes them good, long workouts, to which he replied, “I try,” with a smile.

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