STAR WARS: EPISODE VII: Gary Oldman Confirms: “They’ve Called”

Zac Efron also pointed out that he’s no stranger to franchises: “I just went and met with (producers),” he said to MTV. “So I don’t know. It would be cool. I love (the Star Wars movies), I love them, but … who knows?”

In a recent interview with Sky Movies, the RoboCop star Gary Oldman has revealed that he has been approached about playing a role in Star Wars: Episode VII.

STAR WARS: EPISODE VII: Gary Oldman Confirms: “They’ve Called” | MarkMeets Movie News |

When asked if he had any interest in joining the new film, veteran actor replied:

They’ve called, yeah. I’m more cynical about it (casting) now, I believe it when I’m on the plane home. You know, the deal isn’t done (until then). But yeah, they’ve inquired.

He also joked of the possibility: I mean Planet of the Apes, Harry Potter, Batman and Star Wars – bloody hell!

Brit movie royalty is also a franchise thesp, having contributed to the Harry Potter and Batman series before moving over to Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

The Oscar-nominated Oldman came close to joining the Star Wars series in 2005 when he was linked to play General Grievous in Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, but turned down the role because the prequel was a non-SAG production and he didn’t want to show disloyalty to his union.

Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch, Adam Driver and Zac Efron are among the actors being sought as a potential stars in the Disney film, which is also expected to bring back original leads Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford.

J.J.Abrams Episode VII will be released on December 18th, 2015.

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