How Musicians Are Responding to The Pandemic

Covid-19 has challenged almost every industry. The pandemic has caused movie theaters, restaurants, and airplanes to be treated with caution. Venues, concerts, and music festivals have been hit even harder as events have been continually canceled.

While no one knows where the end of the tunnel is, musicians have found other ways to grapple their career in the midst of a global pandemic. Here are 3 things artists are doing to stay afloat and survive this industry halt.

Writing & Recording

Call it cliché, many artists have responded to isolation by writing and creating new music. It doesn’t matter if you’re a big artist or a grassroots artist. The time is now to buckle down, create new songs and content, and develop a plan of execution when the music industry resumes.

Artists like Taylor Swift and Childish Gambino have produced incredible albums during Covid-19 that have propelled their careers. Some are saying Taylor’s Folklore album will change her career for the better. The point is that as an artist you have no distractions. There’s no tours, concerts, or gigs happening. Now is the time to dive into art and creativity.

Keeping an Online Presence

While artists are unable to perform live, they still have social media and other platforms to connect with their fans and followers. The coronavirus has caused many to adapt new ways for reaching fans. Artists like Marc Rebillet are hosting live shows on Instagram and Facebook. In some instances, he’s even charging people to be a part of personal live shows.

It’s never been more important than during this time to stay connected to fans. It could be as simple as daily live talks, consistent posts, and story posts. Show you working in the studio or invite your fans to a daily talk. Be personable and be real.

Advancing Skills and Practicing

There will probably never be quite an opportunity like the coronavirus in terms of the freedom of time you have. And living in the age of the internet, you can continue to develop whatever skills you need!

For some, this means learning new production techniques. Experiment with recording with different equipment and looking up new ways to improve your studio setup. Perhaps you need to practice at your instrument or take vocal lessons. There are many companies that are offering online virtual lessons for those who want to meet.

For others, you’ll want to hone in your skills outside of music. This means focusing on photoshop, marketing, and other aspects that can aid your music career.

Keep Busy and Grow

It would be a waste of a pandemic to walk away from this trial with nothing gained. Even though the situation sucks, musicians should look up to other figures in the industry that are adapting to the landscape that’s unfolding.

Staying busy and working on these three things will only aid the aspiring musician and singer. Hopefully soon the coronavirus situation will resolve and life will return to some sense of normal.

Author Bio:

Isaiah Ram is an artist, writer, and marketer from Atlanta, Georgia. He currently is in a successful band with his wife and the two serve recovering addicts at Good Landing Recovery in their free time. You can reach out to Isaiah about marketing, music, or writing.

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