Nathan Grisdale Interview

Nathan Grisdale 20, lives in Blackburn was spotted on Facebook by record deal Boxx Records.

Nathan Grisdale
Nathan Grisdale Music

Nathan first started realising songs on Facebook and when a Soldier contacted him and requested him to write a song which he wrote and you can here it in this interview ‘Lone Solider’ he then went on to writing more songs and songs that people request him to write about, he has released a few songs on iTunes that have chart very well.

His self-penned song, ‘Smile’, which is about self-harm,  reached third place in the iTunes singer-songwriter chart.

We got the chance to have a quick talk with Nathan whilst he was on his tour, which his first tour date in Portsmouth was his first time on stage and performing in front of a crowd, he is one to keep a eye on and is one that will make it big!! we BELIEVE in Nathan so should you!!

Keep up to date with Nathan Grisdale here –

Twitter – @NathanGrisdale   @BoxxRecords

Facebook – NathanGrisdaleMusic

Instagram – NathanGrisdale

Itunes – Nathan Grisdale

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Mark Meets
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