Rebecca Ferguson wants to work with Kanye West

Rebecca Ferguson has revealed that she would love to collaborate with Kanye West.

The ‘I Hope’ singer finds the ‘Yeezus’ rapper ”fascinating” and would love him to produce her third studio album.

Rebecca Ferguson wants to work with Kanye West | MarkMeets News |
She told DS: ”I’m recording my next album in August. I’d like to work with Kanye as a producer, because his mind fascinates me.

”I know he gets a lot of stick, but I think musically he’s future-thinking. I’m getting a bit bored at the minute [with other music]… I’m just craving something different.”

Although Rebecca, 27, is keen to work with the Grammy Award-winning rapper, she wants to retain her individual style which distinguishes her from pop artists like Rita Ora, Beyonce and Rihanna.

She said: ”I’m playing with music and working on different types of music. But I’ve realised that I can’t really stray from what is my marker.

”So there’s certain people that do pop well. Beyoncé’s one of them, Rihanna, Rita Ora, I could go on and on. You’ve got to recognise what your talent and niche is. I do love dance music, but at the same time I’m not looking to put out a big pop album. You’ve got to be the best you can be.”

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