Expecting Visitors at Home?- 4 Tips to Manage Your Pets

Dogs and cats are great companions, but they can be unpredictable. You might not know how your pet will react to visitors unless you’ve had experience with them in the past. A dog who is usually calm might suddenly want to bark when someone knocks at the door, or your cat may decide that she wants to be petted by a stranger right now.

Moreover, your dog might run around excitedly while your cat could get frightened by someone unfamiliar (and hiss or scratch). These unpredictable behaviors can cause accidents and mishaps if you’re not prepared for them ahead of time. 

If you want to control such unexpected behavior in your pets, follow these tips:

Make Sure Your Pet’s Vaccinations Are Current

A vaccination is a great way to ensure your pet remains free from illnesses and diseases. True? But partly. Timely vaccination goes a long way in ensuring the health and happiness of your pets. 

If you are doubtful about whether your dog or cat needs a specific vaccine, consider speaking with your veterinarian as soon as possible. If your pet is not vaccinated on schedule, it’s highly likely that he/she shows signs of unusual behavior towards family members or visitors. 

If you want to bring a new dog or cat into your home, consider taking him/her to your home after getting him/her vaccinated against parasites like heartworms, which can be deadly if left untreated. This will help ensure that both of you start off on the right foot by reducing the possibility of contracting any illnesses early on in their new life together.

However, you might face difficulties purchasing genuine medicines, considering the massive availability of fake products in the market. If you’re not sure about where to purchase genuine medicine, then an online platform like PetCareRx can take the burden off your shoulders. These portals have all the essential pet medicine along with top vet recommendations.

Train Your Dog to Go to a Designated Place When Guests Arrive

Show the dog a treat and take it over to the place where you want your pet to go when visitors come. If your dog successfully reaches there by following your command, give him the treat. Repeat this process until your dog is reliably going there on your commands like “go to bed,” “go sit,” or “go poop.” You can use verbal cues or clickers and whistles if you have one handy.

Once your pets understand where they should go, start giving those commands before visitors arrive, so they associate your command to that place and go to that spot. In this way, they also become familiar with remaining alone in another room while people visit with friends and family members in your home. 

Never Leave Your Dog Unattended With a Stranger

Your dog is an important part of the family, and you want to make sure everyone is safe and happy. But your dogs may cause some problems if you leave your dog unattended with a stranger.

If your dog is possessive or protective of its home or owner, it may see a person who comes into the house as an intruding threat. This can result in aggressive behavior that includes biting or growling at the unwelcome visitor. In addition, some dogs are more likely than others to bite when they’re scared or excited—even if they’ve never shown this behavior before.

In order to ensure that all parties remain safe in these situations, you should never leave your dog unattended with a stranger.

Teach Your Dog Not to Jump When Someone Walks Into the House

Dogs tend to jump and bark aggressively when they see someone walking in the house. However, not every dog has this tendency. As a pet parent, your duty is to teach them not to jump if someone arrives unexpectedly. 

If your dog is welcoming every single person that comes to your door, he likely thinks that all visitors are there just for him. No matter how cute it may be, it’s not safe for either of you if he jumps on a guest and knocks them over—or worse yet, knocks them down the stairs.  

Moreover, the “sit and stay” command is an excellent way to keep your dog in one place, allowing you to control them when you have visitors. It also teaches your pup patience and calmness.

Summing Up

Pets are part of any home, and you want to make sure they feel welcome. When you have guests over, your animals may be more energetic than normal. This is usual, but it can be frustrating for a guest who doesn’t know what to expect from your pets when they walk in the door.

By following these tips, you can ensure everyone has an enjoyable time at your house—even if they’re not used to living with dogs or cats.

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Shaz Salimian
Freelance Videographer

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