On Sustainability, are Electric Scooters Truly  a “Green”Option?

Where they are now thriving, the very cities, whether large, densely populated, or small and growing have steered the entry of best electric scooters as part of a ‘green’ transportation program. 

But while these premium electric scooters are now widespread in towns and cities, you’ll learn about comments that they aren’t very sustainable. 

This is according to some studies done on e-scooters, where findings had a seeming sweeping analysis and conclusion at the given picture. 

One thing is certain — opposers cannot really ignore the electric scooters’ unstoppable rise in popularity. But of course, with the good comes the not-so-good, like the sustainability issues that besiege these riedeables. 

It will be noted that in European cities, electric scooters were frequently in the spotlight. It’s the same thing in the United States. Paris, for example, has more than 15,000 scooters available to its citizens and tourists. One Amsterdam-based startup company had expanded its fleet to include 30,000 electric scooters in a dozen cities in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and Poland. 

And now, electric scooter issues — again?

While many individuals have opted to rent or better yet, choose to buy an electric scooter because they are looking for green transportation options, they need to know how green is “green.”  

Well, it may not be the individual scooters that are environmentally harsh, as it’s actually the materials that other companies work on each day producing the electric scooters that have the most significant impact on greenhouse gas emissions. 

Because of this, there is a sweeping generalization that electric scooters create greenhouse gas emissions when being made. In a study conducted, it was bared that while building a battery for each scooter, it invariably causes a significant carbon impact.

Herein is a condition that must be considered. The next phase. What happens in the next phase, as it is commonly called the “use phase” is a really critical time for electric scooters and electric vehicles. And this is where the electric scooter has the real advantage. 

During the “use phase”, electric scooters are found to not cause any pollution. That’s right, there are no CO2 or other polluting emissions – only particles related to braking. So, what this means is that the longer electric scooters are used, the more ecological advantage they yield. 

It is also important to consider how the batteries are recharged. The good thing is that electric scooters can be charged either at home or in the office. 

Trucks, electric vehicles however, still need to be brought to a charging station in designated locations. This can have a significant impact on the overall sum of things.

Not all electric scooters are made the same. 

Case in point is an analysis of data from one electric scooter brand fleet in the city of Louisville, Kentucky, USA. It was found that this particular e-scooter brand lasted only 28 days, its electric scooters are used for ride-sharing.  

What is the effect? Well, for one, it leads to more greenhouse gas emissions as more electric scooters need to be manufactured and shipped to different destinations, regardless of their location. 

It’s important to keep in mind the reality of green transportation. As consumers, it’s crucial that one sees not just the finished product, but the whole production cycle and the overall impact of a product on the environment. 

It is a given that electric scooters are cheap, easily accessible, and easy to operate. Moreover, they’re often lauded as a sustainable mode of transport, and this is usually attributed to the ‘e’ of the e-scooter. The good news is, according to this study, mile to mile, e-scooters contribute about half the amount of emissions to that of the average car. Another good news is, according to the same study, mile to mile, e-scooters contribute about half the amount of emissions as compared to the average car.  

Does this mean then that e-scooters are a sustainable mode of transport? Let’s be clear, premium, high quality, top-performing electric scooters like the homegrown Australian brand Mearth are considered top-tier, and they prove to be even superior to cars. They are proven to be environment-friendly, too. Their use is emissions free, and they take up far-less space. So far, they’re a convenient and fun new way of zipping through or cruising about, around town.

True, e-scooters are relatively new players on the streets, but their story has progressed fast. There will be critical eyes however, looking out on the eco-friendly claims made by the e-scooter companies.

Notable though, that through its wider use, compliance to sustainability commitments and regulations, high quality electric scooters are able to shake off the perception that they are just tech-gadget novelty for the big guys. Sooner than later, these rideables were being viewed as a more serious alternative mode of transport. 

What the electric scooters are providing during the period of physical distancing and since then are safety, sustainability, as it complements other green modes of travel.

Electric scooters will continue to play a vital role if the dominance of fossil-fuelled cars is to be taken out. 

Indeed, it takes a lot of work to accomplish the goal, both by private companies, governments, and the stakeholders. The call for a clean environment will continue unabated, with a dauntless strut towards a green and smart, sustainable future. 

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Lee Clarke
Lee Clarke
Business And Features Writer

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