Reading & Leeds 2024: Headliners, line-up, stage times, tickets & more
Music – Reading and Leeds festival will be back in August 2024 and has just announced its full line-up and stage times.
What date is Reading & Leeds 2024?
Reading and Leeds takes place from 21st – 25th August 2024.
Who’s headlining Reading & Leeds 2024?
- Liam Gallagher
- Blink 182
- Gerry Cinnamon
- Lana Del Rey
- Catfish and the Bottlemen
- Fred Again..
The full stage and set times for Reading & Leeds 2024 have been revealed – check them out below now.
As is tradition, the twin festivals will take place over this weekend (August 23-25) and will return to the usual sites of Richfield Avenue (Reading) and Bramham Park (Leeds). They will both be headlined by Fred Again.., Lana Del Rey, Liam Gallagher, Catfish And The Bottlemen, Blink-182 and Gerry Cinnamon. Tickets are available to buy here.
The 2024 edition of Reading & Leeds will boast two new stages: Chevron and The Aux. The latter has been designed to showcase “pioneering digital creators” and will allow festival-goers to attend live podcasts, interactive talks, and livestreams and tune into the current media landscape.
Chevron, meanwhile, will replace the festivals’ dual main stage format and will boast the world’s first outdoor floating LED video sky canopy. It has been created especially to host dance music, pop and hip-hop acts and will be headlined by The Prodigy, Sonny Fodera and Skrillex.
Ahead of the festivals’ return, the stage times have now been posted on the official Reading and Leeds websites. See the full stage times for every day and every stage across both festivals below now.
Attendees can also visit here to check out the latest weather forecasts for both locations ahead of the music bash.
Times are all subject to change
Friday August 23
Main Stage
12pm Dasha
12:50pm Seb Lowe
1:40pm Kneecap
2:40pm The K’s
3:50pm Neck Deep
5:05pm Spiritbox
6:20pm Two Door Cinema Club
7:50pm Gerry Cinnamon
9:45pm Blink-182
1:40pm Leostaytrill
2:35pm Sim0ne
3:30pm Killowen
4:25pm Sota
5:40pm Kenya Grace
6:55pm Denzel Curry
8:15pm Bou
10:15pm The Prodigy
BBC Radio 1 Stage
12pm Frozemode
12:50pm Kid Brunswick
1:40pm Chinchilla
2:40pm G Flip
3:40pm Flo
4:55pm Teddy Swims
6:10pm Confidence Man
7:40pm David Kushner
9:20pm Jorja Smith
Festival Republic Stage
11:40am Big Special
12:55pm The Oozes
1:50pm Spiritual Cramp
2:50pm Lambrini Girls
3:50pm Bad Nerves
6:05pm Loveless
7:15pm The Amity Affliction
8:35pm Neck Deep
BBC Music Introducing Stage
12pm Carsick
12:55pm Disgusting Sisters
1:50pm Ne-o
2:45pm Jodie Langford
3:40pm Ellur
4:35pm Beren Olivia
6:25pm Iyamah
7:20pm Soft Launch
8:15pm South Arcade
Chevron Stage: After Hours
11:30pm Zoe London
1:30am Ulitmate Power
Saturday August 24
Main Stage
12pm Zino Vinci
12:50pm Courting
1:40pm Dead Poet Society
2:35pm The Last Dinner Party
3:50pm Bleachers
5:00pm Fontaines D.C.
6:15pm Raye
8:00pm Lana Del Rey
10:05pm Fred Again..
12:20pm Efan
1:30pm DJ Jackum
2:25pm A Little Sound
3:20pm 4am Kru
4:25pm Goddard.
5:40pm Digga D
7:45pm Barry Can’t Swim
8:20pm Sonny Fodera
BBC Radio 1 Stage
1:15pm Swim School
2:05pm New West
3:00pm Bears In Trees
4:00pm Zach Templar
5:00pm Jessie Murph
6:05pm Wunderhorse
7:05pm The Beaches
8:05pm Overmono
9:20pm Skrapz
10:25pm The Wombats
Festival Republic Stage
12:25pm Thxsomch
1:15pm Dead Pony
2:05pm Thus Love
2:55pm The Scratch
3:45pm Yours Truly
4:35pm Militarie Gun
5:25pm Deijuvhs
6:15pm Dream Wife
7:05pm Kid Kapichi
8:10pm Loathe
9:15pm Viagra Boys
BBC Music Introducing Stage
12:00pm Arxx
12:55pm Welly
1:50pm JayaHadADream
2:45pm Sun King
3:40pm Nina Arya
4:35pm Bottle Rockets
6:25pm Noisy
7:00pm Douvelle19
8:15pm Aziya
Aux Stage
TBA In Ayamé We Trust ft. guest Coco Sarel
TBA Antics With Ash
Chevron Stage: After Hours
12:00am Mozey
1:30am AC13
Sunday August 25
Main Stage
12:00pm The Luka State
12:50pm Corella
1:45pm Crawlers
2:40pm Bru-C
3:55pm Reneé Rapp
5:10pm Pendulum
6:40pm 21 Savage
8:10pm Catfish And The Bottlemen
10:05pm Liam Gallagher
2:10pm Mette
3:10pm Jaguar
4:20pm Danny Howard
5:35pm Kenny Beats
6:50pm Dom Dolla
8:10pm Nia Archives
9:50pm Skrillex
BBC Radio 1 Stage
12:25pm Felix Ames
1:20pm Alfie Templeman
2:15pm Good Neighbours
3:10pm Destroy Boys
4:15pm James Marriott
5:20pm Artemas
6:25pm Jesse®
7:35pm Ashnikko
9:10pm Beabadoobee
Festival Republic Stage
12:00pm Talk Show
12:50pm Bradley Simpson
1:40pm Paris Paloma
2:30pm Underscores
3:25pm Kingfishr
4:20pm Mackenzy Mackay
5:15pm Arthur Hill
6:10pm Only The Poets
7:05pm Matt Maltese
8:00pm Rachel Chinouriri
9:05pm Hak Baker
10:15pm The Japanese House
BBC Music Introducing Stage
12:00pm Daydreamers
12:55pm Cameron Hayes
1:50pm Baby Said
2:45pm Surya Sen
3:40pm Alessi Rose
4:35pm Prido
6:25pm Venus Grrrls
7:20pm Michael Aldag
8:15pm Delilah Bon
Aux Stage
TBA The Useless Hotline
Chevron Stage: After Hours
11:35pm Nathan Dawe
1:00am Jeff Automatic
Thursday August 22
Thursday on the Festival Republic Stage
7:00pm The Kites
7:50pm Cosmorat
8:35pm Nxdia
9:25pm Bilk
10:15pm Admt
9:00pm Annabel Stop It
10:30pm MTRNICA
12:00am DJ Semtex
1:45am Jaguar
TBA Selectacee
TBA Job Type & Vesarchie
TBA Bvnqet
Friday August 23
Main Stage
12:00pm The Luka State
12:40pm Corella
1:30pm Crawlers
2:15pm Bru-C
3:20pm Reneé Rapp
4:35pm Pendulum
6:05pm 21 Savage
7:35pm Catfish And The Bottlemen
9:30pm Liam Gallagher
1:30pm Ghostface600
1:50pm Mette
2:45pm Jaguar
3:55pm Danny Howard
5:10pm Kenny Beats
6:25pm Dom Dolla
7:40pm Nia Archives
9:20pm Skrillex
11:30pm Billen Ted
12:45am Badger
BBC Radio 1 Stage
12:15pm Felix Ames
1:05pm Alfie Templeman
1:55pm Good Neighbours
2:50pm Destroy Boys
3:50pm James Marriott
4:55pm Artemas
6:00pm Jesse®
7:10pm Ashnikko
8:40pm Beabadoobee
Festival Republic Stage
12:00pm Talk Show
12:50pm Bradley Simpson
1:40pm Paris Paloma
2:30pm Underscores
3:20pm Kingfishr
4:10pm Mackenzy Mackay
5:00pm Arthur Hill
5:50pm Only The Poets
6:40pm Matt Maltese
7:35pm Rachel Chinouriri
8:35pm Hak Baker
9:45pm The Japanese House
BBC Music Introducing Stage
12:00pm Daydreamers
12:55pm Cameron Hayes
1:50pm Baby Said
2:45pm Surya Sen
3:40pm Alessi Rose
4:35pm Prido
6:25pm Venus Grrrls
7:20pm Michael Aldag
8:15pm Delilah Bon
10:00pm Gia
11:00pm It’s Murph
12:15am Nathan Dawes
1:30am Sota
TBA Oldboy
TBA Skeptic
TBA Badger
Saturday August 24
Main Stage
12:00pm Dasha
12:50pm Seb Lowe
1:40pm Kneecap
2:30pm The K’s
3:35pm Neck Deep
4:40pm Spiritbox
5:55pm Two Door Cinema Club
7:20pm Gerry Cinnamon
9:15pm Blink-182
1:25pm Leostaytrill
2:20pm Sim0ne
3:15pm Killowen
4:10pm Sota
5:25pm Kenya Grace
6:40pm Denzel Curry
7:55pm Bou
9:35pm The Prodigy
11:30pm Oldboy
12:30am Flava D
BBC Radio 1 Stage
12:10pm Frozemode
1:00pm Kid Brunswick
1:50pm Chinchilla
2:50pm G Flip
3:50pm Flo
4:50pm Teddy Swims
5:55pm Confidence Man
7:15pm David Kushner
8:50pm Jorja Smith
Festival Republic Stage
12:40pm Big Special
1:35pm The Oozes
2:45pm Spiritual Cramp
3:25pm Lambrini Girls
4:30pm Bad Nerves
6:40pm The Amity Affliction
8:00pm Neck Deep
BBC Music Introducing Stage
12:00pm Carsick
12:55pm Disgusting Sisters
1:50pm Ne-o
2:45pm Jodie Langford
3:40pm Ellur
4:35pm Beren Olivia
6:25pm Iyamah
7:20pm Soft Launch
8:15pm South Arcade
The Aux Stage
TBA M1 Podcast
TBA Yemz
9:00pm Messi
10:00pm Arthi
11:00pm Notion b2b Oppidan
TBA Simula
TBA Daisy
TBA Denham Audio
Sunday August 25
Main Stage
12:00pm Zino Vinci
12:40pm Courting
1:30pm Dead Poet Society
2:20pm The Last Dinner Party
3:30pm Bleachers
4:35 pm Fontaines D.C.
5:50pm Raye
7:30pm Lana Del Rey
9:35pm Fred Again..
12:45pm Efan
1:40pm DJ Jackum
2:35pm A Little Sound
3:45pm 4am Kru
5:00pm Barry Can’t Swim
6:15pm Goddard.
7:50pm Sonny Fodera
12:30am Alcemist
1:45am Efan
BBC Radio 1 Stage
1:05pm Swim School
1:55pm New West
2:45pm Bears In Trees
3:35pm Zach Templar
4:35pm Jessie Murph
5:40pm Wunderhorse
6:35pm The Beaches
7:35 pm Overmono
8:50pm Skrapz
9:55pm The Wombats
Festival Republic Stage
12:00pm Thxsomch
12:50pm Dead Pony
1:40pm Thus Love
2:30pm The Scratch
3:20pm Yours Truly
4:10pm Militarie Gun
5pm Deijuvhs
5:50pm Dream Wife
6:40pm Kid Kapichi
7:40pm Loathe
8:45pm Viagra Boys
BBC Music Introducing Stage
12:00pm Arxx
12:55pm Welly
1:50pm JayaHadADream
2:45pm Sun King
3:40pm Nina Arya
4:35pm Bottle Rockets
6:25pm Noisy
7:00pm Douvelle19
8:15pm Aziya
10pm Saint Ludo
12:00am Overmono (DJ Set)
1:30am Chloé Caillet
TBA Fliss Mayo
TBA Bullet Tooth
TBA Efan
Reading Festival Stage Times Friday 23rd August
Main Stage
- Blink-182 9.45pm
- Gerry Cinnamon 7.50pm
- Two Door Cinema Club 6.25pm
- Spiritbox 5.10pm
- Neck Deep 3.55pm
- The K’s 2.45pm
- Kneecap 1.45pm
- Seb Lowe 12.50pm
- Dasha 12.00pm
Chevron Stage
- The Prodigy 10.15pm
- Bou 8.15pm
- Denzel Curry 6.55pm
- Kenya Grace 5.40pm
- Sota 4.25pm
- Killowen 3.30pm
- SimOne 2.35pm
- LeoStayTrill 1.40pm
BBC Radio 1 Stage
- Jorja Smith 9.20pm
- David Kushner 7.40pm
- Confidence Man 6.10pm
- Teddy Swims 4.55pm
- FLO 3.40pm
- G Flip 2.40pm
- Chinchilla 1.40pm
- Kid Brunswick 12.50pm
- Frozemode 12.00pm
Reading Festival Stage Times Saturday 24th August
Main Stage
- Fred Again.. 10.05pm
- Lana Del Rey 8.10pm
- Raye 6.35pm
- Fontaines D.C. 5.20pm
- Bleachers 4.05pm
- The Last Dinner Party 2.55pm
- Dead Poet Society 1.55pm
- Courting 12.55pm
- Zino Vinci 12.00pm
Chevron Stage
- Sonny Fodera 8.20pm
- Barry Can’t Swim 6.45pm
- Digga D 5.40pm
- Goddard. 4.25pm
- 4am Kru 3.20pm
- A Little Sound 2.25pm
- DJ Jackum 1.30pm
- Efan 12.20pm
BBC Radio 1 Stage
- The Wombats 10.25pm
- Skrapz 9.20pm
- Overmono 8.05pm
- The Beaches 7.05pm
- Wunderhorse 6.05pm
- Jessie Murph 5.00pm
- Zach Templar 4.00pm
- Bears In Trees 3.00pm
- New West 2.05pm
- Swim School 1.15pm
Reading Festival Stage Times Sunday 25th August
Main Stage
- Liam Gallagher 10.05pm
- Catfish & The Bottlemen 8.10pm
- 21 Savage 6.40pm
- Pendulum 5.25pm
- Reneé Rapp 4.10pm
- Bru-C 3.00pm
- Crawlers 2.00pm
- Corella 1.00pm
- The Luka State 12.10pm
Chevron Stage
- Skrillex 9.50pm
- Nia Archives 8.10pm
- Dom Dolla 6.50pm
- Kenny Beats 5.35pm
- Danny Howard 4.20pm
- Jaguar 3.10pm
- Mette 2.10pm
BBC Radio 1 Stage
- Beabadoobee 9.10pm
- Ashnikko 7.35pm
- Jesse® 6.25pm
- Artemas 5.20pm
- James Marriott 4.15pm
- Destroy Boys 3.10pm
- Good Neighbours 2.15pm
- Alfie Templeman 1.20pm
- Felix Ames 12.25pm
Leeds Festival Stage Times Friday 23rd August
Main Stage
- Liam Gallagher 9.30pm
- Catfish & The Bottlemen 7.35pm
- 21 Savage 6.05pm
- Pendulum 4.50pm
- Reneé Rapp 3.40pm
- Bru-C 2.35pm
- Crawlers 1.40pm
- Corella 12.50pm
- The Luka State 12.00pm
Chevron Stage
- Skrillex 9.20pm
- Nia Archives 7.40pm
- Dom Dolla 6.25pm
- Kenny Beats 5.10pm
- Danny Howard 3.55pm
- Jaguar 2.45pm
- Mette 1.50pm
BBC Radio 1 Stage
- Beabadoobee 8.40pm
- Ashnikko 7.10pm
- Jesse® 6.00pm
- Artemas 4.55pm
- James Marriott 3.50pm
- Destroy Boys 2.50pm
- Good Neighbours 1.55pm
- Alfie Templeman 1.05pm
- Felix Ames 12.15pm
Leeds Festival Stage Times Saturday 24th August
Main Stage
- Blink-182 9.15pm
- Gerry Cinnamon 7.20pm
- Two Door Cinema Club 5.55pm
- Spiritbox 4.40pm
- Neck Deep 3.35pm
- The K’s 2.30pm
- Kneecap 1.40pm
- Seb Lowe 12.50pm
- Dasha 12.00pm
Chevron Stage
- The Prodigy 9.45pm
- Bou 7.55pm
- Denzel Curry 6.40pm
- Kenya Grace 5.25pm
- Sota 4.10pm
- Killowen 3.15pm
- SimOne 2.20pm
- LeoStayTrill 1.25pm
BBC Radio 1 Stage
- Jorja Smith 8.50pm
- David Kushner 7.15pm
- Confidence Man 5.55pm
- Teddy Swims 4.50pm
- FLO 3.50pm
- G Flip 2.50pm
- Chinchilla 1.50pm
- Kid Brunswick 1.00pm
- Frozemode 12.10pm
Leeds Festival Stage Times Sunday 25th August
Main Stage
- Fred Again.. 9.35pm
- Lana Del Rey 7.40pm
- Raye 6.10pm
- Fontaines D.C. 4.55pm
- Bleachers 3.40pm
- The Last Dinner Party 2.30pm
- Dead Poet Society 1.40pm
- Courting 12.50pm
- Zino Vinci 12.00pm
Chevron Stage
- Sonny Fodera 7.50pm
- Barry Can’t Swim 6.15pm
- Digga D 5.15pm
- Goddard. 4.00pm
- 4am Kru 2.55pm
- A Little Sound 2.00pm
- DJ Jackum 1.05pm
- Efan 11.55am
BBC Radio 1 Stage
- The Wombats 9.55pm
- Skrapz 8.50pm
- Overmono 7.35pm
- The Beaches 6.35pm
- Wunderhorse 5.40pm
- Jessie Murph 4.35pm
- Zach Templar 3.35pm
- Bears In Trees 2.45pm
- New West 1.55pm
- Swim School 1.05pm
Crowd goes wild and sings back the lyrics for Sam Fender during Reading set
Who headlined Reading and Leeds 2023?
- Sam Fender
- The Killers
- Billie Eilish
- Foals
- Imagine Dragons
- The 1975
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