Role of the Department of Transportation (DOT) in Trucking

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The Department of Transportation (DOT) is a federal agency that handles everything related to transportation in the U.S. It helps regulate and enforce the transportation industry regarding who can drive which kinds of vehicles, transport of hazardous materials, and much more.

DOT was established by Congress in 1966. Since that time, it has played a crucial role in the country.

What Does the Department of Transportation Do?

The role of DOT is to ensure safe and efficient transportation systems across the country. It’s designed to keep everyone safe by setting standards for an array of vehicles and their drivers, which directly impacts the trucking industry.

The Department of Transportation has a specific set of rules for trucking that truck drivers and trucking companies alike must follow.

Understanding DOT Certification

All vehicles of a certain size and purpose must obtain DOT certification. This seal shows that a truck driver meets all the required skills and characteristics to drive commercial vehicles. DOT certification is required for trucks, semi-trucks, delivery vehicles, and public transportation vehicles.

You must be DOT-certified to have a commercial driver’s license. Getting this certificate is similar to a regular driver’s license, though it has some additional steps such as a physical exam, a background check, and a drug test.

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What Happens When You Are Not DOT Compliant?

In the trucking industry, you must follow the rules and standards set by the Department of Transportation. Failure to do so can have serious consequences that can quickly destroy your trucking company’s success.

Penalties and Fines

Any trucking company that does not abide by DOT compliance will likely be subject to fines and penalties. These fines can be incredibly expensive, particularly if the violations involve hazardous materials.

There are violations for failing to properly keep records for both the trucking company and the driver. There are also violations for substance abuse and disregarding out-of-service orders. Some of these fines may be several hundred dollars while serious offenses could result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in penalties.

The most severe consequences can result from failing to adhere to the standards set by the Department of Transportation. Anyone who is noncompliant and deemed an imminent hazard will be forced to stop operations.

Loss of Ability to Operate Your Trucking Business

You must know that this authority along with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has the right to revoke, change, or suspend your operations. This is generally done when it can be shown there was a willful disregard for the requirements. 

In the event this is not intentional, you will most likely be fined. However, it will save you time and money by employing DOT compliance solutions to ensure you do not make any serious mistakes that could jeopardize the success of your trucking business.

Destroyed Reputation in the Trucking Industry

It’s unlikely that one small error in DOT will ruin your reputation in the industry. Still, you must make sure that you do not repeatedly violate the DOT standards. A history of noncompliance issues can repel clients as they will be concerned about how you run your business. They will also be worried about the safety of their cargo.

Clients won’t be the only ones who take notice if you repeatedly violate the terms of DOT. All potential truck drivers seeking a position with a trucking company may avoid taking a contract with you. In short, DOT is essential in trucking and you should do your part to be sure you are always following these rules and regulations.

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Lee Clarke
Lee Clarke
Business And Features Writer


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