Jessie J hopes she meets the ‘love of her life’ some time soon

Jessie J explains her future hopes for romance. saying: “They say you find the love of your life when you are not looking.

“So boom… I’ll pretend to look the other way, and then you just (whoever you are) sneak up on me. Anytime soon is good. Cool.”

‘ Do It like a Dude singer Jessie confirmed her split from Max Phan Nguyen in October as she told fans “nothing dramatic” had happened between the pair.

The 33-year-old singer said: “He is an amazing man. We both have so much respect and love for each other. It just wasn’t right romantically. So we decided just friends it is (sic)”

She also explained that the “only reason” she revealed the split is because “it becomes weird and a little difficult when people live in the past”.

Jessie added: “I hate how much of a big deal other people can make your personal breakups.

“We are both happy, living and loving our lives.”

Meanwhile, the ‘Price Tag’ singer tragically suffered a miscarriage earlier this year and revealed that the traumatic experience had “changed (her) forever”.

Jessie recently explained in a social media post: “I truly now understand why women so often talk about the want and need for miscarriage to be openly spoken about more.

“As I have learnt now that what people know of miscarriage to be (including myself before this past 2 weeks) unless you have personally experienced it. What people think it is, is in fact not a true reflection of what it really is at all. How can people support when they don’t know?

“I have never experienced physical pain and trauma or felt loneliness like it. This has changed me forever. In the most, heartbreaking, but beautiful way.

“It’s put life into perspective in a way nothing else ever has. (sic)”

The singer-songwriter told us ‘In December last year I lost my hearing, I got diagnosed with Menieres. Then I lost my voice which was f*g awful. Then I lost my baby. I know I’m going to be ok because there is really nothing else to choose in the way I live.

‘I’ve never felt more alone than I have felt in the past week.’

Jessie J released her debut single, “Do It like a Dude”, in the United Kingdom in November 2010, where it peaked at number two on the UK Singles Chart


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Sarah Meere
Sarah Meere
Executive Editor

Sarah looks after corporate enquiries and relationships for UKFilmPremieres, CelebEvents, ShowbizGossip, Celeb Management brands for the MarkMeets Group. Sarah works for numerous media brands across the UK.


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