6 Areas To Avoid When Trying To Build Links

Outreach is difficult, but in many cases, it’s the first step toward establishing a positive rapport with a possible prospect.

It’s probable that whatever person you’re contacting gets inundated with outreach requests on a daily basis, so make sure yours stands out from the crowd. Otherwise, you’ll wind up in the trash along with the rest of them.

Let’s take a look at some of the most egregious outreach mistakes that you should avoid at all costs, as quoted by the expert link building agency Niche Inbound.

Not knowing your target audience.

Let’s start with the most important details first. Make sure you got the receiver’s name correct.! There is nothing more unappealing than opening an email only to discover that it was sent by a computer program that made a mistake and misspelt your name. Automated emails may appear to be the simple solution, but taking that extra second to double-check all of the names might make a significant impact. This mistake is simple to make but not so easy to correct. If you keep your eye on the ball, it’s easy to overlook.

Offending the recipient in the first two lines

Here’s the issue: regardless of how powerful a person is, you are reaching out to them and asking for their help, so be cautious about how you appear. Flattery and a personal touch may go a long way.

Selling what they currently own

Calling strangers who have no need for your project only raises the probability of getting no replies. Nothing screams unprofessionalism louder than a person who hasn’t bothered to do their homework properly. If you provide similar information to what is already on the website, no one will want to link to you. If you were thinking about using them again, it might harm your reputation if they are identical.

Poor email etiquette

In 2018, only a small fraction of the computer-savvy public should need to be informed that bad email etiquette would not get them far!

Emails that are too long will not be read. It’ll appear abrupt and unpleasant if it’s too short. The most crucial aspect, however, is the subject line. This is the first impression you give, and the company you’re affiliated with. A typo in the subject line or a lot of waffles may cause it to be deleted straight from the inbox.

Reaching out to dead websites

Another frequent outreach mistake is to bother outdated and unused websites. It’s once again a huge waste of time for both the end customer and you. Again, research is essential, and you must ensure that the site you are contacting is current and accessible.

Contact Bugging

With any kind of sales pitch, the balance can frequently be razor-thin between providing customers with what they want and becoming a pest. It’s all too easy to become numb to automation and forget that the people you’re contacting are actual human beings like you or I, with a life, a job, and an inbox full of messages. It is not going to be beneficial if you reach out fifty times to the same individual, each time assuming it’s your first contact.

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Dan Dunn
Executive Managing editor

Editor and Admin at MarkMeets since Nov 2012. Columnist, reviewer and entertainment writer and oversees all of the section's news, features and interviews. During his career, he has written for numerous magazines.

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