You do not need to be Loki, the Norse God of Mischief, to want to sow a little bit of chaos within your friend’s groups. There is also nothing wrong with you deciding to have a little fun and prank one or all of your friends. A little bit of wholesome fun teasing a friend or a family member is one of the best things to lighten the mood and ensure that your life does not become a drag.
There are probably hundreds if not thousands of stressors that you will encounter on a weekly basis. This is on a regular basis. This is just what life is. You do not necessarily will have an easy life. Even the most privilege will be encountering certain stressors.
Scientific studies have found that laughing helps alleviate the stress that one feels, especially when laughing with a group of friends. With life already as hard as it is, it would be foolish not to take certain measures to ensure that your mood stays positive and light.
In fact, if a positive life is not enough to encourage you, then this might. Studies have discovered that laughing, and generally just having fun, increases your lifespan and reduces the risk of certain health-related problems like a heart attack. Just the simple act of laughing also lessens the chances of getting diagnosed with mental disorders such as Depression and Anxiety disorders.
You do not have to be a master prankster to run some pranks on your friends. With some help, you can definitely pull off a successful practical joke. Everyone definitely has a mischievous side and when you tap them, you can certainly have a story that you can tell for years.
To help you out further, we have compiled a list of prank ideas with technology that you can do on your friends. Technology has evolved so that there are now a lot of creative pranks that you can do with it. Just remember not to lose control and have some mercy on your victims before they lose their minds.
Prank Calling
If you have ever been on the receiving end of a prank call, then you most probably know that it is a nuisance. There is a lot of planning that goes into pulling a successful prank call. The best part about this is that you can hide your identity with voice changers, number hider, and other applications that can ensure that your friends do not realize that it is actually you who they are talking to.
If you are not yet confident of your pranking apps, you can just simply download a Prank Calling App and send in an automatic prank call. Truly, pranking has never been easier than today..
Edit the Autocorrect Feature on Their Phones
Autocorrect is a feature that has made texting not only convenient but also error free. When you’re in a rush, you cannot exactly double check everything that you are typing. Often after typing, many do not check their phone before clicking send. This means that if you edit the Autocorrect feature on their phones, they will most likely send the text without even realizing what they did.
You can access the Autocorrect feature on their Settings and have fun creating fun phrases for the most mundane replies. For example, a simple Yes can become No. However, if you would like to be more mischievous, you can transform it to “I like eating dog food.”
Wreak Havoc on Wireless Devices
Another convenience that has been introduced into our daily lives are wireless devices. Just as the name implies, wireless devices are those that can be controlled remotely. Thermostats, TVs, and Air conditioners are just some appliances that you can play with. Just simply download the mobile application and have fun watching your friend get frustrated with their stuff.
Remotely Play With Their Printer
Another device you can wirelessly control are printers. You can print out what you want with your phone or laptop as long as you are connected to the same wifi. Prank them by ordering the printer to print out confusing or scary messages. For example, you can make your victims think that it is a message from the future.
Change Their Device’s Language
Nothing is more frustrating than having your mobile device in a language that you do not understand. This prank will work more successfully with an older victim who is not as familiar with a mobile phone than the generation of today. Changing the Device language is easy and won’t take more than a few clicks. Just go to the phone’s Settings and change it from English to a language that they do not understand like Mandarin or Russian.
Cracked Screen
This is a classic prank that will also work much more successfully with an older generation. Simply download a cracked screen wallpaper and give your victim a bit of a heartbreak by making them think that their device’s screen is broken. You can do this on their TVs, Mobile Phones, and other devices that has a screen. This is actually much more comical if your victim has a new device. Nothing more heartbreaking than thinking that the new gadget they just bought and has been excited to use is broken.
Typing GIF
This prank works only on iPhones. The iMessage feature of iPhones allows you to see if the person you are messaging are typing up a response. This is called the Typing Awareness Indicator and is symbolized by three small dots in the inside of a chat bubble. When you see this image, it means that the person you are messaging is typing and you should wait for their response.
Where’s the fun in that? Send them a GIF of the Typing Awareness Indicator and let your victim think you’re typing up a response. Many will wait for it and you will be essentially wasting their time. When they realize it’s a GIF, it would probably be a few minutes after which means that your prank has worked.
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