Ant and Dec can’t pick a Britain’s Got Talent winner

BGT 2014 hosts Ant and Dec reckon it’s an open playing field in tonight’s final.

Eleven acts – Bars and Melody, Lucy Kay, Darcy Oake, Lettice Rowbotham, The Addict Initiative, Yanis Marshall & co, Collabro, Jack Pack, Paddy & Nico, James Smith and wild card Jon Clegg – have all made it through the live semi-finals to this evening’s climax, but only one can win.

Ant and Dec can't pick a Britain's Got Talent winner | MarkMeets News |
Dec admitted: “It is really tough to pick a winner this year, there is so much variety in the final and good acts.

“It is the first time we have ever had a magician in the final, Collabro are really good, Lettice the violinist is a bit mad but so talented, I could go through them all, Bars and Melody are another I would throw in there.

“It is such a good level of talent in there. I am really excited.”

The Geordie pair confessed that their highlight of the whole series was announcing the winner live on air to millions of people.

“For us as TV hosts there are very few better moments than standing up there and announcing the winner and changing someone’s life. It is an electric moment in the studio,” Dec said.

Ant agreed: “It is like a cup final day you get all nervous and excited. Someone’s life is going to change forever and it is brilliant announcing that on TV.”

Jack Pack have an “epic” track lined up, saying: “We’ve picked another epic song, we’ve been putting the hours in in rehearsal and hope to do it justice.”

Bars and Melody
Everyone in the MarkMeets office support Bars and Melody to win!!

We’re backing our boys Bars and Melody!

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