Casey Batchelor confronts Lee Ryan over Celebrity Big Brother love triangle

The Celebrity Big Brother love triangle between Casey Batchelor, Lee Ryan and Jasmine Waltz came to a head last night.

Lee is our favourite win especially as CBB bosses have wanted him to be in the house for years now!

Casey Batchelor confronts Lee Ryan over Celebrity Big Brother love triangle
The Celebrity Big Brother love triangle between Casey Batchelor, Lee Ryan and Jasmine Waltz came to a head last night.

If you’ve not been following, or have just started to ignore the rather tedious affair, here’s a quick recap:

– Lee and Casey entered the house tied together and quickly became rather close, kissing just three days in.

– But not all of the other housemates were convinced about the blossoming romance, with Luisa in particular branding it fake.

– After they were separated, Lee wanted Casey to stay away claiming he didn’t want a relationship on TV.

– After splitting from Casey, Lee kissed Jasmine and begun hanging around her a lot more.

 – Lee told Casey to cool if off but she got a bit upset and as a result Lee decided to begin making out with her again.

– Lee then went back to Jasmine, admitting that he fancied the American model like mad.

– It all ended in drama last night with Casey crying in the toilet.

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In the early hours of this morning, Casey pulled Lee aside for a heart to heart in the garden, as the pair discussed their feelings for one another and Jasmine.

See how it all unfolded in the video clip above!

CBB airs tonight at 9PM on Channel 5.

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