Futurama is an animated science-fiction sitcom was created by Matt Groening, the series takes place in the 31st century and follows the adventures of a delivery boy named Fry, who is cryogenically frozen and wakes up 1000 years later in the year 3000.
The Futurama Season 8 release date window has been revealed for Hulu‘s upcoming animated comedy series revival.
The new Futurama season will debut in summer 2023 on the streaming platform. The revival was first ordered in February 2022, meaning the new season will debut approximately a year and a half after being confirmed. Voice actress Lauren Tom noted that this would likely be the case this past February, though the window has now been confirmed.
“The series follows Fry, a New York City pizza delivery boy, who accidentally freezes himself and gets defrosted in the year 3000,” reads the series’ synopsis. “In this astonishing -new- New York, he befriends hard-drinking robot Bender, and falls in love with cyclops Leela. The trio find work at the Planet Express Delivery Company, founded by Fry’s doddering descendant, Professor Hubert Farnsworth. Together with accountant Hermes Conrad, assistant Amy Wong, and alien lobster Dr. Zoidberg, they embark on thrilling adventures that take them to every corner of the universe, and plenty of other places.”
The Futurama revival has been picked up for 20 new episodes. The original seasons of the series are available to stream now on Hulu. The show is produced by 20th Television and executive produced by Matt Groening and David X. Cohen. Rough Draft Studios handles the animation.
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