Barry is a television show that premiered on HBO in 2018 and just concluded its run in 2023 after five seasons. The show was created by Bill Hader and Alec Berg, and stars Hader in the titular role of Barry Berkman, a hitman who discovers a passion for acting.
The premise of the show follows Barry, a former Marine who works as a hitman for a criminal organization run by his handler, Fuches (Stephen Root). When a job takes him to Los Angeles, he stumbles upon an acting class taught by Gene Cousineau (Henry Winkler) and is immediately drawn to the world of acting. Barry becomes increasingly conflicted as he tries to balance his dual life as a hitman and aspiring actor.
One of the strengths of Barry is its ability to blend dark humor with intense drama. The show doesn’t shy away from the violent realities of Barry’s job, but also finds humor in the absurdity of his situation. The acting is top-notch, with Hader delivering a standout performance that earned him multiple Emmy nominations and wins. The supporting cast is also stellar, with Winkler, Root, and Sarah Goldberg (who plays Barry’s love interest, Sally) all delivering standout performances.
Character List:
- Barry Berkman/Block (Bill Hader)
- Gene Cousineau (Henry Winkler)
- Sally Reed (Sarah Goldberg)
- Fuches (Stephen Root)
- NoHo Hank (Anthony Carrigan)
- Detective Janice Moss (Paula Newsome)
- Taylor (Dale Pavinski)
- Cristobal Sifuentes (Michael Irby)
- Esther (Kirby Howell-Baptiste)
- Monroe Fuches (Mark Boone Junior)
Aside from the compelling storyline and great performances, Barry is also notable for its impressive direction and cinematography. The show has a distinct visual style, with striking camera angles and a color palette that sets the mood for each scene.
One of the standout moments from the show is the season two finale, which features a tense standoff between Barry and a rival hitman, played by Anthony Carrigan. The scene is expertly directed and acted, and provides a thrilling conclusion to the season.
Overall, Barry is a must-watch for fans of dark comedy and crime dramas. It’s a show that manages to be both hilarious and heartbreaking, and features some of the best acting and directing on television. While the series has concluded its run, it will undoubtedly continue to be a standout example of great television for years to come.
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