Yes some of these TV shows are popular or gained a cult following but ALL of these are also somewhat hated too
Some shows like ‘Mrs brown boys’ we just detest and don’t event want to talk about it but below is a celeberated list from Buzzfeed based on feedback. Which one’s do you agree with?
1. Hated: The Office
“The American version of The Office is horrible. The original British version is great. It was only on for 12 episodes and one Christmas special. Ricky Gervais knows not to overstay his welcome.”
2. Loved: Riverdale
“Riverdale is super cringey with it’s musical episodes, but yet, I still love it. No guilt over here.”
“It’s utter trash, but still somehow enjoyable trash. The storylines are wild and cringey, especially Archie and Veronica’s arcs; Anytime they even come on screen, I’m dying inside, yet I still watch each and every episode.”
3. Hated: Friends
“I watched Friends for a little while, but ultimately I gave up. It was mildly amusing only. And Ross is an a**.”
4. Loved: Pretty Little Liars
“PLL got so ridiculous toward the end, but I simply could not stop watching it. I think in the back of my mind, I was hoping they’d somehow tie it all up brilliantly. Obviously, that didn’t happen.”
5. Hated: Gilmore Girls
“I tried really hard to get into Gilmore Girls, but it was major cringe.”
“I watched an episode of Gilmore Girls, and it was so corny, unfunny, and generally terrible.”
6. Loved: The Society
“There were moments that made me want to cry and scream out of frustration, and there were scenes where I wanted to be the one dying because it was just so cringey. Some of the acting was terrible, but some of it (the main girl) was worthy of an award. But at the end of the day, it was a raunchy, raucous teen TV show that had trashy storylines and trashier teenage personalities, and I LOVED IT.”
7. Hated: Breaking Bad
“Breaking Bad unfolds so slowly, I could barely keep going. I mainly hung on to see the locations they used in ‘ABQ.'”
8. Loved: Galavant
“Galavant is the BEST show. I’ve never seen a group of actors love and stand behind the sheer stupidity and fourth-wall breaking of a show as much as the cast of Galavant. They all loved the show, and it shows very clearly in their acting, and I am so beyond devastated it didn’t get renewed past two seasons. Please watch that show.”
9. Hated: The Good Place
“I tried to watch The Good Place. I think my friend made me sit through, like, six episodes. But I just…didn’t find it funny. Anything about it. Even Kristen Bell’s character just always fell flat to me.”
10. Loved: Ghost Whisperer
“It’s so outrageous and cringeworthy, and yet, if it’s on, I must watch it.
11. Hated: Grey’s Anatomy
“With Grey’s Anatomy, there are some episodes in the newer seasons that are moving and powerful, but the unrealistic character arcs, constant drama involving the cast/crew, and the fact that all the fan-favorite characters have left dumb down the reputation of the show to soap opera status.”
12. Loved: Supernatural
“Okay. Supernatural jumped the shark a couple times, but I will still end the bloodline of anyone who has anything negative to say about my boys.”
13. Hated: Seinfeld
“Seinfeld was good for about two seasons, but after, it was simply tiresome and not funny. When people carried on about how Jerry Seinfeld was the funniest man alive, I wanted to punch someone. The guy had a thing for a couple of years and milked it for all it was worth.”
14. Loved: H2O: Just Add Water
“My daughter got me into it because we both like mermaids, but I’ll admit I used to sometimes rewatch it on my own.”
15. Also loved: Mako Mermaids
“Mako Mermaids…a literal spin-off from H2O(exactly as cheesy and definitely written for kids). They put four seasons on Netflix, and after the first season, the two main mermaids disappear — NO EXPLANATION. And then, they replace the final mermaid, too. You’d think I would stop watching, but no. Me, my friend, and my boyfriend are HOOKED, and we’re 25.”
16. Hated: Girls
“Girls was just plain awful. The characters were all so vapid and selfish — there was no one worth rooting for or getting invested in.”
17. Loved: Slasher
“Slasher was so bad, it was good. Every time I gasped, it wasn’t because I was shocked or scared, but because I couldn’t believe how bad the script was. Those poor actors. Katie McGrath deserved better.”
18. Hated: Modern Family
“Modern Family is TV at its absolute worst.”
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