Miranda Kerr’s Budget-Friendly Tips To Teach Kids About Sustainability

Miranda Kerr Celebrity Interview in Women

Miranda Kerr shares tips and products for living more sustainability and she discussed running an eco-friendly beauty business, Kora Organics. Now, the mother of three is sharing her insights on encouraging kids to be sustainably conscious.

The entrepreneur explained, “You try your best to be a good example and lead by example. They really absorb all of that. And when you talk about these things, then they start to become conscious and talk about these things and it becomes out of balance.”

From books, to toys, to reusable snack containers, Miranda shared the products she relies on to make it easy for the whole family to go green.

What are some tips for incorporating eco-conscious habits in your kids’ routines? 
MK: We talk about recycling and we have different bins at home. When we go on walks together, we pick up trash. We have a little garden where we have strawberries and other produce that we grow, which helps them understand how they grow. We reuse a lot of items for arts, crafts, and decorations instead of just throwing things out. They appreciate that and understand that it’s a part of recycling.

With their lunches, we use the reusable bags for school.

It sounds like the common thread here is to really just keep the conversation going at all times, so the kids understand what you’re doing and why.
MK: Yes, they are very curious. They understand and want to learn more. For example, the children get gifts on their birthdays and other milestones, toys they might not necessarily choose themselves. In that situation, we will talk about keeping the toys or donating to someone else they don’t go to waste. I want them to understand why donating toys is a good move to make because they will be used by kids who appreciate them.

When I do buy toys for the kids, I like to get wooden toys, or other options that are more sustainable.

Yes, that’s so important.
MK: If any of their old clothing is really badly soiled or stained, we cut it off and we can use it as a rag to clean the house. This is another way to have a multi-purpose item.

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Scott Baber
Scott Baber
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