What Are Some of The Cross-Browser Testing Best Practices for Agile Development Teams?

Cross-browser compatibility testing is crucial for a company whose whole operation depends on a website. Consider an internet service provider as an illustration. Even if the testing process may have been difficult, is it worth it if the end-user cannot effectively interact with the website?

Cross-browser testing is crucial for a successful website that runs smoothly and leaves you with one less thing to worry about. Cross-browser compatibility testing must be done carefully and cautiously because it is crucial.

Like any other web app testing paradigm, properly considering testing comments when designing the program will always pay off in the long run. As a result, we have written this post to offer you advice on cross-browser compatibility testing. You can create a partially compatible website even before testing by working your way through these best practices.

Choose the right set of devices and browsers

It’s essential to select the appropriate devices and browsers. Cross-browser testing is difficult because of the huge number of mobile browsers and their versions. Thus, you must monitor the devices and browsers the target market uses to make the journey easier. Analytical technologies like Google Analytics can perform this task successfully. Are you wondering How to check my website on different browsers? Make a list of your consumers’ devices and browsers after you have accurate information. The most important and initial step in beginning cross-browser testing is this.

Testing on Different Devices

Also, you might want to test on a variety of devices because various browsers show content differently based on the device they are running on. Mobile devices, tablets, laptops, desktops, and certain television browsers should be among them.

Testing various viewport sizes is another alternative. If the way your app is rendering cannot be fixed, you might think about testing a set of breakpoints (such as tablets and phones) to see how responsive it is on various platforms and give mobile and desktop presentation modes for your app.

Target browser-OS configurations

The first and most important step before beginning web app testing is to identify the browsers on which you wish to test your web application. There are several versions of every browser, and some, like Chrome and Firefox, frequently update—at least once every month.

Most IT businesses support current browser versions, but we cannot ignore the user base that continues to utilize older versions of Internet Explorer. This will limit the number of browser versions we can test to a few.

Data sampling is an alternate method for identifying browsers, browser versions, and OS settings with various screen resolutions. We employ various technologies like Google Analytics to track user data while our website is publicly accessible. To concentrate more on testing, we list the most often used configuration after learning about user browser, browser version, mobile device, and OS system usage.

Use Smart Tech Ways

When beginning browser compatibility web app testing, don’t make any assumptions. For many browser components, different browsers have varying behaviors. Take this datepicker browser property as an example. It will open and function flawlessly in Chrome but render differently and include a problem in the month navigator in Firefox.

Don’t Forget Mobile

The functionality and appearance of your web application might vary depending on the device. Consider the difference between browsing webpages on a phone or tablet vs a desktop computer. Testing is necessary because creating a responsive website for mobile devices adds a new level of complexity. Launch your app on several iOS and Android smartphones and a few tablets to get a better sense of how your consumers interact with it on mobile.

Keep Realistic Expectations

You can’t expect your application to look the same across all browsers because they are unique. Cross-browser testing’s objective is to ensure that it adheres to a level of quality across an appropriate range of browsers, including a sizable majority of your consumers. This implies that you should look for defects that influence functionality or design. Still, you shouldn’t anticipate consistent user experiences or try to test every browser because doing so will make you more annoyed.

Make use of Automation and Parallel Testing

Cross-browser testing entails evaluating the program being tested across various devices and browsers. Hence, parallel testing enables the testing of programs simultaneously across several browsers and devices. The automated parallel testing is the icing on the cake.

This greatly accelerates the testing process. Selenium Web Driver is one of the most well-liked and widely used open-source cross-browser testing tools, allowing you to test your application with several linked browsers simultaneously.


Where requirements are greater, your software’s quality is more crucial than ever. Your users will most likely visit a competitor’s website if your website is incompatible with Safari yet works with Firefox.

With so many techniques to assess compatibility, cross-browser testing is no longer a process to be skipped. You must offer a web application that people can genuinely utilize if you want to gain their confidence and loyalty. Instead of waiting for your clients to reveal your flaws, use cross-browser testing to get an edge.

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Lee Clarke
Lee Clarke
Business And Features Writer

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