Charli XCX says her new album will “shake-up” the world of pop

Charli XCX believes her next record will be “groundbreaking” for the genre of pop.

The singer is currently putting the finishing touches to the follow-up to 2014’s ‘Sucker’.

Charli XCX

The 23 year-old Brit said it represents a career high.

Charli XCX added that she feels the album will act as a “shake-up” to the world of pop.

Speaking to MTV about the record’s progress, she said: “Yeah it’s done but there’s still a lot of stages to go.

“You know, mixing and all of that, but it’s written and that’s great and I think it’s the best thing I’ve done and I think it’s going to be really groundbreaking for pop music.”

When asked how it will be groundbreaking, Charli XCX replied:

“I think it always needs a shake-up and I think multiple artists do that but I want to push it.

“I’ve been collaborating with people from PC music so that’s been very inspiring for me – the way they think about music and the way that they create music and transferring that into like a more pop realm is something that is cool and yeah, it’s next level!”

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