Darren Kennedy Interview

Darren Kennedy

Recently our staff reporter  Cliff Morton met up with style guru and presenter Darren Kennedy in an exclusive interview for UK Entertainment Website Mark Meets.

Table of Contents

As one of the UK & Ireland’s Most Stylish Men the 30 year old star  reveals his his favourite city, how he releaxes and tells us about his new TV show #Trending.

Darren Kennedy. Photographer credit - Daniel Holfield.
Darren Kennedy. Photographer credit – Daniel Holfield.

It’s great to chat with you Darren, – 1st question & probably the most important one for all your Irish Fans – Are you a Guinness Man?
Would you believe I got paid to drink my first pint of the black stuff! I was at Uni and I was asked to take part for the purposes of “market research” – I kid you not.

Three pints in and I was away with the fairies. It’s surprisingly potent. Before then, it had never really appealed to me but it’s been a casual love affair ever since. The perfect pint on a chilled out Sunday afternoon, bliss.

Darren you’re a man of many talents – Presenter, Producer, Broadcaster, Columnist, Designer, Stylist – Which do you prefer the most?Nothing beats the buzz of live TV but it’s very hard to separate the different aspects of my work. They’re all very different and each presents various challenges.

It’s a virtuous circle and I feel very privileged to get so much enjoyment from all the different elements of my work.

Tipped as one of 2014’s rising stars by Hello Magazine – what’s next?
2014 has been an incredible year for me and a VERY busy one at that. I recently fronted a new six part style culture and entertainment show on Irish TV called #Trending. It was my idea so it’s always very fulfilling to take a concept from the development stages through to the screen. Even better still, it got a brilliant reaction from audiences. Now I’m working on a new series called ‘The Unemployables’ where me and my co-presenter help two young people who are long term unemployed get a job.

Think ‘Benefits Street’ meets ‘The Undatables’.

Over 17,000 Followers on Twitter, 9,000 on Instagram and 100,000 on Google+, it’s fair to say you’re developing quite a nice Fan base. What are your thoughts on Twitter & Social Media?
It’s part and parcel of my business. I think I’m becoming addicted to Instagram. I was fairly late to the party but it’s fast becoming my favourite social media platform.

That said, it can become all-consuming so I plan on doing a digital detox in the New Year.

Do you Google yourself and what was the last thing you read about yourself on the Internet?
I generally try to stay away from it but a friend recently sent me a link to a review which referred to my hair as an…‘Aerodynamic hairstyle capable of taking someone’s eye if he turns around too quickly”. That made me LAUGH!

How are you coping with being in the limelight & being recognised? Do you get much Privacy?
I’m enjoying life and just getting on with it. People are lovely!

Is there a side to you that the Public never sees?
We all have sides that people who don’t really know you never get to see or experience. We’re all complex human beings and I’d like to think I’m fully rounded

How do you relax?
I enjoy a spot of surf, going to the gym (it’s a great way of clearing the head) and love breaking bread with my friends and family and generally just having a laugh. This year one of my aims was to read more books for pleasure which is a lovely way to wind down.

You’ve worked with the likes of Victoria Beckham, Emma Watson, Ronaldo & JLS to name a few…. What do you think is the key your success?
Hard graft and not being an ass! It’s important to grab every opportunity that comes your way but also doing your best to turn obstacles into opportunities.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given and who by?
‘Bend like a reed’ when things don’t seem to be going your way and always be authentic. Told by a person who is very dear to me.

Darren Kennedy 2014
Darren Kennedy 2014

Random Questions

What kind of music are you listening to at the moment?
Taylor Swift, Sinead O’Connor, U2, Damien Rice and Ariana Grande.

If you were in a band which 3 other artists would you choose to match your music taste?
Robert Plant, Bono and Katie Perry

Where in the world would you most like to live and why?
New York…it’s the city that genuinely never sleeps.

What would people find out about you from a reality documentary?
That I’m constantly eating or thinking about eating!!!

What did you want to be when you were little?
A vet. But it turns out I’m too squeamish.

What advice would you give your 16 year-old self?
Chin up fella, this is only the beginning and it gets SO much better. Rememberto love life and laughter!

Who is your weird Celebrity Crush?

10 rapid questions, first answer that comes into your head please:

1. Favourite TV Programme? House of Cards

2. Do you have any bad habits? My eyes are bigger than my belly

3. What was the first single you ever bought? The Bart man song

4. Favourite Alcoholic Drink? A G&T on a hot summer’s eve.

5. What item couldn’t you live without? My iPhone 6

6. What are you most scared of? Hairy spiders

7. Favourite Pig-out food? Carrot cake and Ben & Jerry’s Caramel Chew Chew

8. If you could star in a film which film would you pick? The Hunger Games

9. When was the last time you told a lie? My answer to the previous question 😉

10. Tell us your favourite joke? I’m rubbish at remembering jokes

If you could go back in time would you do anything different?
No, Live life with no regrets.

Last but no means least do you have a message for your fans?
Be your best self and live the life you dream of.

Thank you so much for your time & may I take this opportunity on behalf of myself & mark meets.com to wish you good health & continued success. Thank you,

Article by Cliff Morton for MarkMeets.

Cliff Morton
Cliff Morton


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