Sam Faiers Interview

MarkMeets celebrity interviewer, Hannah Fuller,  caught up with owner of the fashion boutique, ‘Minnies’ and former Towie star;  Sam Faiers;  who is now about to launch her own perfume and tells us why she has lots to feel excited about at the moment!

Samantha Faiers Releases Debut Fragrance 'La Bella'
Sam Faiers Exclusive Interview on MARKMEETS.COM

Hi Sam Tell us about your debut fragrance ‘La Bella’

Well I first started working on it about a year ago so it’s been a long process and I am so happy it’s finally here! This is a very exciting time for me!

I wanted to be involved in all aspects of it, especially as it’s my product! I’ve been involved with the packaging, style, smell, design – all of it. It’s very classy and it’s aimed at women of all ages. I’ve worked really hard on it and I’m just so pleased it’s now all come together, I just think, ‘yes finally!’ (laughs.)

Did you ever dream of having your own perfume? / Are you excited?

Oh god yes, it’s been a dream of mine since I was little! Growing up, I’d always receive perfume at Christmas time and now I’ve got my very own perfume, it feels amazing!

I’m a proper girly girl – I’ve always got loads of girl stuff around me like make up, fake tan, perfume, you name it – everywhere! (laughs.) I love perfume and I love smelling different fragrances, so this is a dream come true for me.

All my family and friends have been so supportive as well – my Mum is so excited about the launch next Thursday (12th June) she hasn’t even smelt it yet, nobody has! They’ve seen the packaging but that’s about it. I can’t wait for them to try it! (laughs )

Mark Wright’s fragrances have been hugely popular; do you think it’s the star appeal or the product?

Well with me, I hope it’s the product. I’ve put so much time an effort into it and I’ve really thought about everything that’s gone into making it. It’s really classy so I really hope people buy it and wear it! This is just the beginning for me though; I’m also in talks about doing other scents. I definitely don’t want this to be a one off. I really want my perfumes to become a household name!

We’ve seen you on the red carpet many times, describe your Clothing style

I’d say Classy – not too old fashioned though. I wear clothes that I feel comfortable in that suit my age and my figure. It depends really though on how I’m feeling and what event I’m going to. Sometimes I like to dress more sexy, but in general, I’d say my style is smart / casual. I think feeling comfortable in what you are wearing is the most important thing. You have to feel confident.

Samantha Faiers La Bella 100ml £24.50

Would you ever do another reality show like strictly come dancing for example?

Oh my god Strictly would be amazing! Not only is it glamorous, but you’re learning a new skill which I think is really great. I can’t dance though, that’s the only problem. (laughs) Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got rhythm, but Id love to be able to dance professionally like they do on the show. If an opportunity came along to do another reality show, I’d definitely consider depending what the show was – there’s so many amazing shows out there. But yes, Strictly, I would LOVE to do!

What is the best piece of advise you’ve been given and who by?

Someone once said to me;” Be nice to people on your way up because you’ll meet them on your way down.” I just think you should always be polite, kind and nice to other people, definitely.

I think that’s really important. One of the Producers of Towie said that to me once and it’s always stuck in my mind.

What else is coming up for you?

Well, I have the launch for the fragrance and I’ve also just been signed to Elite which I am SO excited about! So I’m pretty busy at the moment with that too. Next year, I’m thinking of writing another book. Not sure yet what sort of book, something different though. Maybe something aspirational or even science fiction! So there’s that too. Obviously Billie’s pregnant and about to give birth, so I’m going to be an auntie as well soon which is amazing! I cannot wait – it’s going to be life changing!

Thanks so much for talking to us Sam.

Thanks Hannah!

La Bella 100ml Eau De Parfum at £24.50 (

La Bella 100ml Eau De Parfum at £24.50

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Mark Meets
Mark Meets
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