Tom Hiddleston talks fame

33-year-old actor Tom Hiddleston wasn’t prepared to be catapulted to the spotlight following his role as Loki in the ‘Thor’ and ‘Avengers’ movies and insists the new found attention caught him by surprise.

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He added: ”I never expected it. Fame is weird and amorphous and unpredictable. All acting is for an audience. It’s just that my audience now is … quite large. At the end of the shooting ‘Thor’ Kenneth Branagh took Chris Hemsworth and myself aside and said, ‘In 12 months, boys, prepare yourselves!’ We were both just, ‘Nah!’ We couldn’t imagine it.”

Tom finds fans often attribute things that have happened in their lives to him and although he is sometimes flattered by it he knows there are many other stars who dealt with ”obsession”.

The actor added: ”Some people have been a bit obsessive about attributing responsibility for things that have happened in their lives to me. You can to say, ‘Bless you for saying those nice things, but I’ve done nothing.’ You sort of have to talk them off the ledge a bit. But that’s the nature of obsession. I know a lot of other actors who’ve dealt with it.”

Tom starred on Top Gear last Sunday.

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