Increasingly, men are understanding that in order to feel good, looking good really helps. We live in a fast-paced, full-on increasingly disconnected world. Training, eating right and looking after your body is more important than ever to balance all that out.
All that effort in the gym can go to waste if you don’t support it with healthy lifestyle choices. There are quite a few very small changes you can make to your daily routine which quickly add up. It might be about ditching the car and commuting to work on the bike instead.
Whilst diet and exercise are important, so is mental health, and with daily vices like chocolate, a tipple, or smoking instead of using a disposable vape, having a balanced lifestyle that works for you is equally crucial.
It could be about ensuring you leave your desk at lunchtime for a brisk walk. It could be simply adding a supplement into your diet that will help to boost your energy and overall wellbeing levels. Take the first step by doing some research on the ActivatedYou Youtube channel, for example. All of these things can have a huge effect on your wellbeing
There are some lifestyle habits that you can adopt if you’re ready to make the change. It’s all about a holistic approach that encompasses your body and your mind – and delivers great results fast. Whether you taste the fruits of nature and take natural supplements or change the way you work and sleep, there are many different ways to approach holistic wellness. So make a commitment to yourself and your own wellbeing and start adopting some healthier habits into your life.
There are some lifestyle habits that you can adopt if you’re ready to make the change. It’s all about a holistic approach with encompasses your body and your mind – and delivers great results fast. So make a commitment to yourself and your own wellbeing and start adopting some healthier habits into your life.
Up Your Metabolism With Strength Training….
A sure way to better health is taking care of your yourself including your digestive system, there are many ways to do this including using multi gi 5 coupons which can help to support the function of the gut in 5 areas.
When you’re in good condition, you look great, your style is on point, you get a confidence boost in your career and even your relationships, and your mental and physical health is kept in check. Thinking of living right as an investment that you choose to make in yourself – because the benefits you can experience are definitely worth the effort.
Lots of people claim to have a way of explaining away unhealthy lives, premature paunches and doughy, inactive limbs. The truth is, apart from a very small proportion of people with thyroid issues, metabolic rate is within our control and is mainly down to the choices we make in our lifestyle. There will be slight individual variation, but the vast majority of people can control their metabolism by addressing their diet and their workout routine. Your metabolism, put simply, is the process your body uses to convert calories consumed in food and drink into energy that the body uses. It’s constantly ticking over, helping you to digest food, pump blood around your body, and all the other processes your body needs. Your BMR, is the amount of calories that your body needs on a daily basis to maintain your current weight and keep things ticking over, regardless of any extra calorie spend from exercise. While some of this is determined by genetics, you are highly unlikely to have a significantly slow metabolism from genes without some kind of related health condition. You also have the power to alter your BMR as well. So you could weigh the same as someone else, but if more of their body mass is made up of muscle, they would burn more calories even when resting, and have a higher BMR. Adding muscle mass means that your calorie burn is higher – even while you sleep! Strength or resistance training is the fastest route to adding lean muscle mass. Focusing on compound movements which move multiple muscle groups at once, such as push-ups, squats and deadlifts.
…But Don’t Abandon Cardio
Whi training is the fastest route to fat loss and that lean, sculpted body you’ve dreamed about, there is also a place for cardiovascular exercise, so don’t cut it out entirely. Get the most out of your routine in the shortest time by swapping steady-state cardio, like a one-pace jog around the park or HIIT. This involves short, intense bursts of exercise alternated with rest periods in quick succession. It’s a brilliant way to boost your metabolism and burn off fat but it can also offer some strength gains as well. HIIT has been linked to improvements in metabolic efficiency as well as cardiovascular health, it makes you feel great and it’s easily doable in a short 20 minute period, so there are very few excuses not to fit it into your routine. L
Adjust Your Diet to Gain Muscle
You may have seen endless personal training instagrams featuring rows of meal prep tupperware with carefully sliced chicken breast, rice and kale, but it takes more than pure protein to create a leaner, muscled physique. If you intend to shed fat and gain muscle, then you actually need to, and that means getting the right mix of fat, protein and carbohydrates to support your body, as well as staying hydrated throughout the day. Use an app like Livestrong to track your daily intake – you can scan the barcodes of prepacked food, choose from a database of millions of food items and even create and set recipes that you prepare frequently. Eating the right foods in the right proportions is absolutely key. If you simply cut calories but still eat the wrong foods, you will lose weight, but it’s likely to be some muscle mass as well as fat. Eating the right things in the right proportions, however, results in fat loss rather than just weight loss. Look at the supplements in your diet as well to support your training. Taking omega 3 helps with your joints and body conditioning. Maintain gut health, boosts your immune system, helps to reduce inflammation in the body and sorts out abdominal bloating. A powdered superfood supplement can ensure that you meet your recommended five a day easily, Choose to fill your plate up with nutrient dense whole foods while avoiding anything processed as far as possible. Ready meals and Deliveroo are definitely out, but if you’re short on time, there are lots of healthy meal choices out there that you can use. Make sure you balance lean proteins like fish and chicken with wholemeal grains and lots of fresh vegetables. Don’t avoid carbs, because your body needs them in order to build muscle effectively – just choose whole grain options and sweet potatoes rather than starchy white ones. Healthy fats in moderate amounts are also important – think avocados, nuts and salmon. Adapt your favourite meals.
Look At Your Lifestyle Choices
All that effort in the gym can go to waste if you don’t support it with healthy lifestyle choices. There are quite a few very small changes you can make to your daily routine which quickly add up. It might be about ditching the car and commuting to work on the bike instead. It could be about ensuring you leave your desk at lunchtime for a brisk walk. All of these things can have a huge effect on your wellbeing. They’re good for your mental health and will help to reduce anxiety and stress, plus supporting your energy levels and training plan. Approaching your health holistically is the fastest and surest way to quickly see gains and a real change in your body. Another huge supporting factor you can tackle is addressing your sleep hygiene. Most of us aren’t getting the duration and quality of sleep we need to support a good training regime. Show you exactly how much and what quality of rest you’re getting each night. Generally, you need seven to eight hours of unbroken rest to perform optimally. Start by banning electronics from the bedroom as these emit blue light, the hormone that the brain releases to prepare the body for sleep. Make sure your bedroom is dark, with blackout blinds to stop light creep, and a good temperature – it should be slightly cool. Invest in great quality bedding and consider using a mindulness app if you have trouble mentally unwinding before sleep. When you’re well rested, you have more focus and will make better choices about what you eat and how hard you train during the day. The power is yours.
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