The world is changing continuously. Different events happen, and information about them appears in news. To be up-to-date you must be up on everything that happens in the world. It is true that if you are aware of news, you develop a better understanding of the way the world works. Even when you simply look through the headlines during breaks you make attempts to know current affairs.
Yes, currently more and more people give up reading newspapers. But it does not mean that they’ve stopped being interested in the news. Modern means of media are digital, so people get new information from tv and the internet. Either it is Facebook feed or a broadcast report, the information about current affairs will reach the recipient. But still, it is physically impossible to watch all newscasts and read all articles about current events. Because of the fact that the world is overloaded with information, many people give up being up on news. And they can find themselves in losing position.
So, next reasons will explain why is it important to know what is happening in the world from the news. We suggest you look at the following benefits of reading the news and take a time to find the best informational source for you.
- If you are aware of recent news, you are a good conversation partner.
Every person has a natural need to communicate and share his views with somebody. In every community, people are connected with common interests and views. Common interests are one of the best ways to unite people. Perhaps, the only thing that can unite better is a common enemy. Consequently, the news on topics that you are keen on and those you hate can matter to you. And if you find a person with whom you can share your opinion on a specific topic, you will feel pleasure and relief.
Imagine such situation. You sit at the table during the dinner and some person breaks the ice talking about the car accident happened this morning. Those, who heard this news too (no matter from what source) express their thoughts about the event. But you have not heard anything about it and cannot keep the conversation. During such moments unaware people usually want to escape because they feel that they do not fit that company.
Well, it is not important to be aware of every news that happens in a day. But it is a big advantage if you know about recent global events and about some that happen locally.
It will be great if you share with the friends some news for the first time. For example, some of your friends were yearning with the request “help me write my essay”. And you were the only person who read in the morning about reliable essay writing service and shared with him this information. Therefore, if you share right to the certain community news, you become a meaningful part of this community.
Also, healthy debates or discussions with friends about current affairs develop communication skills. It is very useful to increase the knowledge of colleagues and community(and your own in particular) about issues like poverty, hunger, war and conflict, foreign policy and the world economy. Conversations on such topics develop awareness on sufficient issues.
- Knowing About The World Can Help Your Career
It is obvious that the person that is aware of recent news has all chances to become the life and the soul of the party. Moreover, this knowledge can work for his benefit in the career too.
No matter what field you’re in, it’s likely that you’ll find yourself traveling abroad for business with someone from another culture. To conduct business successfully, it’s important to know the basics of the country and its culture values and recent news about it. For example, if you are visiting London and break the ice with the statements about the weather it could work. But if you show your specific knowledge about their country by sharing some unique fact your chances to be respected by new community rise. For instance, recently appeared the information that British princes (William and Harry) will play in new “Star Wars” movie as Stormtroopers. This piece of information is related to three topics: Great Britain, Royal Family, cinema. The awareness of such news can make a great impression on the person that is keen on such topics.
It is a delusion to think that business people talk only about business. As people of any occupation, they like to relax and talk about their interests. Usually, during casual conversations colleagues get closer. You can improve your relationship even with the boss if you touch in the conversation the topic that appeals to him. The awareness of recent news is an ace up in your sleeves.
- Make a contribution to your self-development.
The feature that distinguishes a human from an animal is in his intelligence. Every person has an opportunity to increase his power when he gains new knowledge. And he multiplies this power when he can analyze perceived information and produce own conclusions on the basis of it. The thing is that when you learn something, is it a poem or a piece of information from the headline, you have your own attitude to it. People form this attitude on the basis of previous knowledge and personal views.
When some global events happen (like elections, political campaigns, Olympic Games, etc), people who follow news become able to form an educated opinion about them.
For centuries different outstanding personalities put emphasize on the importance of reading. When you read the text you improve comprehension, focus, and vocabulary. The same thing happens when you read articles in newspapers or look through informative posts at news internet portals.
To understand the relations between global issues a person must be up on the news regularly. Without regular awareness, it could be impossible to trace causes and consequences of mentioned situations.
- Be safe and travel successfully
When you plan to go even to the house that is situated next to yours you must be sure that it is safe to go there. Modern local media means inform about accidents immediately. Admit: you check weather forecast every day. Because you are afraid not to dress to weather conditions and feel discomfort. But you do not check local news with such frequency. However, if you neglect this news, you risk to let in your life some unexpected surprises.
The same thing is for people who plan to make a trip abroad. Even in countries where top world resorts are situated can happen a rebel or a revolution. As it has happened in Turkey and Egypt recently. Don’t forget countries with dangerous geolocation too. For example, Japan. Earthquakes and tsunamis are its frequent guests. There are also countries where volcano explosions may happen, like Iceland. To check if it is safe to travel to the exact location you do not have to make strong efforts. Just follow the news sometimes.
Also, if you are aware of what is happening in different parts of the world, you can trace some positive events too. It can be an amazing coincidence if you plan to go camping to the mountains and it will be on the day of the supermoon. Or, you can combine your summer vacation abroad with an open-air festival. There are occasions when people appear suddenly in the city and the event, in which they are interested is held on the same day. But they miss an important event because they haven`t checked the news before the trip. To avoid the feeling of pity and frustration after missed event just look through the news and make an unforgettable trip.
- Broaden your worldview
Broaden your worldview
The prevailing number of countries in the world are not isolated and have access to global news. However, some of them can appear untrustworthy, people can check various sources and distinguish true facts from the false. What news articles worth reading and what do not is your own decision.
The fact is that no matter what you read – you must get benefit from what you have learned. It is important to be aware of current news to understand the logic of events that take place at the moment. Sometimes, to understand it is important to involve your basic knowledge in different fields: history, psychology, philosophy, or looking into Watercolour Painting digitisation, etc. If you analyze news in such a way you broaden your mind. With any new piece of information, you make a contribution to the formation of your own views.
So, a person must read news wisely. Only after that, he can understand complex issues that happen in the world. Also, if you want to navigate confidently in the information field, it is necessary to read books. Benefits of reading them are indisputable. It is important to note that books contain various thinking models that help to figure out the message that is transmitted through the news.
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