How to Have Safe Social Gatherings During a Pandemic


Human beings are social creatures who thrive on interaction with one another. Unfortunately, disease-causing pathogens, such as the novel coronavirus, also depend on this interaction to spread from one person to another. 

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Mental health is as important as physical health, and prolonged isolation can contribute to potentially serious issues such as anxiety and depression. Recognizing the importance of socializing to mental health, experts have suggested ways in which you can minimize the risk of harm at in-person social gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic until there is a vaccine to confer widespread immunity. 

1. Watch the Trends 

Pay attention to what the virus is doing in your area and make sure to look for ‘rapid testing near me’ online to get you in contact with the nearest clinic. Are cases trending up or down? This data should inform your decision on where and when to hold a gathering. If infection rates in your area are trending up, you may want to hold the gathering in a different location or defer it until cases are trending back down. 

2. Keep the Group Small 

When a gathering involves small numbers, it limits the opportunities that the virus has to transmit from person to person. Some people have formed bubbles so limit to whom they spend time with.

3. Stay Outside 

The mechanism by which COVID-19 most often spreads is by inhaling respiratory droplets exhaled by someone else that contain the virus. Researchers have determined that outdoor activities are therefore safer than indoor ones because the air outside is constantly circulating, meaning that the virus doesn’t hang in the air for long. 

There are plenty of fun activities to enjoy outside with no contact, some of these can include outdoor tasks such as humpback whale watching San Diego, can only take place outdoors. 

4. Wear Masks 

When someone becomes infected with COVID-19, it sometimes takes several days for symptoms to develop. During this asymptomatic period, it is possible for a person to spread the disease to others without knowing it. Wearing masks can help prevent the spread of the virus by catching the droplets exhaled by a person who is not yet showing symptoms. 

Mask wearing is done mostly to protect other people, but it does afford you some protection as well. While a mask may not prevent exposure to the disease, it may reduce the virus load in your body, which may result in a milder infection. You can buy a good mask online at 72hours.

5. Keep Your Distance 

Whenever possible, members of a group gathering should maintain a distance of at least six feet from one another. However, this does not apply to members of the same household, who can maintain close contact with one another but should maintain social distance from members of other households who are part of the group. Group members greeting one another should use smiles and waves instead of making physical contact through handshakes or hugs. 

Keep in mind that with any in-person gathering, there is still a risk of transmitting the virus that causes COVID-19. These measures reduce the risk but do not eliminate it altogether. Nevertheless, there is also a risk of harm from isolation from others. Private whale watching tours San Diego have their own protection measures in place to keep you safe during a small social gathering outdoors on a boat. Inquire about these before arranging your trip. 

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Mark Meets
Mark Meets
MarkMeets Media is British-based online news magazine covering showbiz, music, tv and movies

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